本文选题:道家 + 生态思想 ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Taoism is one of the most important schools of thought among the hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and warring States period in China represented by Laozi and Zhuangzi. The ontology of Taoist ecological thought originates from Tao. The ontological analysis of Taoist ecological thought is based on Taoist cosmology, generative theory and natural view. Taoist cosmology is based on the whole and recognizes the vastness and constant motion of the Milky way and the law of celestial body movement. Taoism puts forward that all things originate from Tao, and all things are formed by Tao. The Taoist view of nature is mainly embodied in two aspects, one is the natural view of "Taoism and nature", the other is the natural view of "harmony of nature and man". The Taoist view of nature embodies the equal unity of man and all things. Taoist view of life is full of natural care, life and nature as a whole. The view of process, the subject of life and the whole of life have profound ecological significance. The Taoist view of life process can be summed up as the view of life and death, and life and death constitute the complete process of life. It is believed that man's birth to death is like the natural operation of 04:00 in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The Taoist view of life subject holds that every living individual in nature is the subject, and there is equal integration between nature and man, between nature and man, between nature and human beings, and advocates respect for life and love for life. Taoism regards heaven, earth and man as a whole, and advocates treating nature with equal vision and reverence, which is the embodiment of the whole view of life. Taoist ecological thought has rich and profound ecological value in dealing with the relationship between man and nature. The Taoists put forward the ecological value of "everything is equal and everything is equal", which holds that everything in the universe has its own independent and irreplaceable intrinsic value, and that everything is equal in value. Taoism pursues the scientific and technological values of "integration of Taoism and technology", and believes that real production and creation should not be confined to individual, one-sided things, but should be restored to nature. The Taoists have the consciousness of technical distress and think that the use of machinery will make people mentally unstable and express their profound reflection on the alienation of technology.
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4 曾(纟吾)z,