本文选题:阿伦特 + 现代性反思 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Ahrendt is one of the most famous political philosophers in the twentieth Century. Her reflection on the question of modernity is mainly reflected in the book of "the situation of man". Personal experience makes Ahrendt's thought always reacts the concern of the reality directly, and what she has finished in the "human situation" is the most new experience and most tangent from the times. As a student of Heidegger, Ahrendt, on the one hand, carried out a liquidation of Heidegger's thoughts as a student of Heidegger, and was deeply influenced by his thoughts. She was in the field of action, production and labour, in the public field and in the public field. The distinction between private fields is obviously inspired by Heidegger's thought of deconstructing reading. In the book, Ahrendt distinguishes three confused and fundamental human activities: labor, work and action, and with the experience of ancient Greece to diagnose modern times. The reversal of the situation of modern people is a modern society. The root of the crisis. Ahrendt proposed the existence of a "situation". Through the careful distinction between the three activities of the positive life of human beings, she revealed the different human existence ways corresponding to the three activities, and the crisis in the modern society was caused by the change of human existence conditions. This article is divided into five parts. The first chapter mainly introduces the social background of Ahrendt's life and its source of thought. Ahrendt has experienced a lot of suffering in his life, and formed the starting point of his thoughts on his own personal experience and the reflection of his times. As a student of Heidegger and Jaspers, existalism is the source of inspiration for his thoughts. The second chapters are from Ahrendt deals with the three basic circumstances of human beings, the activities of active life and the apparent space of active life in three aspects. Life is given us in a certain situation, and Ahrendt emphasizes the three aspects of nature, the world and the plural. The activities corresponding to them are labor, work and action, and each type. The human activity has its place, and Ahrendt further confirms that the two fields of human activities are in the public and private fields, each of which should be confined to their respective fields. "Human condition" is a description of the existential conditions and boundaries of human activities. The third chapter mainly explains the present situation. The modern alienation trilogy, the improvement of the modern labor status, and the change of the human situation caused by the rise of the social field. The modernization process has caused the dual alienation of modern people, that is, the double escape from the earth to the universe and from the world to the self. Labor from the lowest level of human activity to the highest order of the positive life order The result of the modernization process is the overall reversal of the human situation in modern society, and this is the crisis of modern society. The fourth chapter mainly expounds the crisis of modern society. The concrete manifestation of the three aspects: consumerism, political crisis and human survival crisis. In Ahrendt's view, the modernity of the twentieth Century led to the disappearance of the original public domain, on the other hand, the new order has not been established, and the whole human life is living in a situation of hope and fear. From this, Ahrendt believes that the present situation is present. The crisis of generation has prompted us to face the situation of human beings, and try to think about what we are doing so that we can find the key to the problem. In the last chapter, the limitations and values of Ahrendt's modernity thought are evaluated and analyzed. On the basis of the human situation, Ahrendt launched a reflection and criticism of modernity on this basis. Emphasizing the importance of action and thinking to overcome modern problems is of great reference to us to understand and overcome the crisis of modernity. But at the same time, it must be acknowledged that there are some limitations in her reflective criticism.
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