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发布时间:2018-10-08 19:27
[Abstract]:In recent years, the issue of "church and state" has become a hot spot in academic circles. In the "transitional era" of modern China, the proponents and opponents of the Confucius movement are faced with a question: how to deal with the issue of politics and religion in order to rebuild the order of the state and religion in China? According to Western studies, "politics and religion" refers to the relationship between politics and religion. In history, there are various forms of politics and religion, such as "unity" or "separation." because Confucianism, the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture, refers to the system of Confucian education rather than to strict religion. Therefore, the expression of "unity of politics and religion" in English Caesaropapism (meaning "the unity of Caesar and Pope") can not be copied into the Chinese context. Zhang Hao believed that Zhu Zi's thought in his later years had changed from the dual state and religion to one yuan, and concluded that what Zhu pursued was the ideal form of integration of politics and religion of three generations. This judgment seems to be a misinterpretation of the text. In the history of Han Dynasty, Zhang Xuecheng did not belong to Zhang Xuecheng who clearly advocated the return of "unity of government and religion", but at that time there was no response, but in the late Qing Dynasty, the problems of politics and religion were rising rapidly. At the time of the Reform Movement of 1898, Kang Youwei, who put forward the doctrine of Confucius religion, held the position of "separation of state and religion, double turns and galloping" on the issue of politics and religion, indicating that his Confucian position was not to return to the unity of politics and religion in Europe in the Middle Ages. But the movement to establish Confucianism as the "state religion" clearly indicated that Kang's aim was to turn Confucianism into a national religion, with the result that it would have the negative effects of cultural autocracy, especially in the context of the collapse of the monarchy. It is neither necessary nor possible to convert secular Confucianism into a national religion.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;


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