[Abstract]:In the life philosophy and existential philosophy of Germany in the 20th century, the direction of comprehensive hermeneutics and phenomenology based on life and existence was developed. Indeed, there is an inherent relationship between life-survival, meaning and experience, so this synthesis has its inherent rationality. However, the philosophy of life, existential philosophy, hermeneutics and phenomenology have different origins, different concerns and different scope, so there are different ways or ways of transformation between them. Hermeneutics has a long history. It was born out of the studies of ancient scriptures, history and literature, and it was only in modern times that philosophical hermeneutics emerged. Different philosophical foundations shape different philosophical hermeneutics. Among them, Hermeneutics based on modern subject philosophy and Dilthey's hermeneutics based on life philosophy are of great significance in the history of hermeneutics. Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, regards phenomenological methods as a path to strict science. In order to find the reliable basis of interpretation, Dilthey tried to use the visual method of phenomenology, but this led to the contradiction between the transcendental subjective consciousness phenomenon and the life-survival phenomenon in history. Dilthey is the first philosopher to try to combine phenomenology with hermeneutics and find them difficult. Although Dilthey's solution to this difficulty is not satisfactory, he pioneered Heidegger's "practical hermeneutics" (a way of combining phenomenology and hermeneutics). Heidegger took this as the starting point and put forward "the reality of this being" and thus opened up a new way to combine phenomenology with hermeneutics.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;
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