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发布时间:2018-12-07 18:32
[Abstract]:Sartre reconstructs historical materialism with critical rookie learning. In the critique of Dialectical reason, Sartre first criticizes that the empirical methodology of Marxism in the Soviet Union leads to the existence of "the empty field of human studies" in its theory, and questions the rationality of dialectical materialism as the foundation of historical materialism. Then Sartre created personal dialectics, and took personal practical experience as the source of dialectics, brought personal activities into the social and historical investigation, strictly restricted dialectics to the historical field, negated the necessity of the existence of natural dialectics. Finally, Sartre's dialectics explains the unity of transcendence and inevitability, the dialectical unity of freedom and historical necessity, the unity of thinking and practice, and the unity of individual and historical integration. Sartre's human dialectics plays an important role in opposing dogmatism and positivism, enriches the content of the basic proposition of Marxism, and provides a new theoretical paradigm and perspective for rebuilding historical materialism. It has important theoretical significance. But its theory construction lacks the scientific theory foundation, is one kind of regret.
【作者单位】: 中国财政科学研究院博士后流动站;


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