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发布时间:2019-01-03 13:39
[Abstract]:As one of the core values of socialism, the values of honesty and credit mainly require the values of citizens, but as a kind of moral values, honesty is also of great significance to the society and the country. It is conducive to the construction of a harmonious society and the improvement of cultural soft power. With the development of economy and the progress of the times, the importance of honesty and credit values is becoming more and more popular, but in the whole society, the lack of honesty still occurs from time to time. Therefore, strengthening the contemporary construction of the values of honesty is not only of great significance, but also the requirement of the development of the times and the urgency of the times. Xi Jinping pointed out that the cultivation and practice of socialist core values must be based on traditional culture. The values of any nation have their roots, and in our traditional culture, the most concentrated discussion of "sincerity" is the mean. This article starts from "the mean", according to Zhu Xi's "the middle mean chapter sentence note", from the book's core thought "sincerity" concept, and the contemporary integrity value together, divides into three parts, The purpose is to excavate the positive significance of the traditional excellent culture to the construction of the contemporary values of honesty. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the meaning background of the topic and the current research situation at home and abroad. The second part is the main part of the paper, which is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, "sincerity" of the mean is an important resource for the construction of the values of honesty and credit, which mainly talks about the relationship between "honesty" and the values of honesty. The first section "sincerity" of "the mean" is the centralized explanation of the traditional values of honesty and credit. It expounds the theoretical origin of the values of honesty and credit, and the innovation and development of the values of honesty during Song Ming's Neo-Confucianism period. The second section talks about the remarkable characteristics of "sincerity" of "mean", compares Chinese traditional values of good faith with those of western countries, and provides a theoretical basis for dialectical treatment of traditional honesty and credit culture. The third section dialectically treats the "sincerity" of "the mean". Compared with the values of honesty and credit in the West, the "sincerity" of the "mean" is mysterious, lacking of system and individual connotation, all of which are incompatible with the present era. The second chapter is the basic connotation and practical path of "sincerity" of "the mean", from the theory and practice two aspects of the concrete study of the "mean" in the "honesty" thought, for the later inspiration to the contemporary values of honesty to lay a theoretical foundation. In the first section, the basic connotation of "sincerity" of "the mean" is discussed from the two aspects of "the Tao of Heaven" and "the way of people of sincerity" to discuss the Noumenon meaning of "sincerity" in the "mean"; The second section of the "honest" path of Kung Fu, from introspection to improve their integrity and moral accomplishment, from the practical use of the concrete practice of good faith values. The third chapter "sincerity" of the "mean" on the construction of honesty values of contemporary enlightenment, from the theoretical and practical aspects of "honesty" on the construction of contemporary values of honesty positive significance. The first section strengthens the consciousness of constructing the values of honesty and credit, and promotes people's sense of identity to the values of honesty and trustworthiness, which is a kind of values that go up to the good, which is a kind of values of standing on one's own feet. The second section draws lessons from the integrity value realization path, realizes the sincerity from the second chapter practical use, we must stick to the good faith in the hidden subtle place, achieves the good faith in the ordinary daily use, guarantees the good faith with the discipline law In the end, the desire from the heart does not exceed the moment. The third part of the conclusion, review and summary of the full text. In order to cultivate the construction of the contemporary values of honesty and credit, the traditional culture should be innovated and developed in the process of seeking its roots in the traditional culture. Finally, to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture.


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