[Abstract]:Qi is an important concept in Chinese traditional thought. Although in the development of Confucianism, "Qi" has not been as prominent as "reason" or "heart", but "Qi" has always been an important component of Confucianism. Qi is regarded as the foundation of the material world, and the Qi theory in Confucianism is also regarded as a practical study. Wang Chuanshan is the most important scholar of Qi theory after Zhang Zai. The main documents on which the thesis is based are the Book of questioning and the Notes of Zhang Zizheng. They are the most important philosophical works of Wang Chuanshan in his later years, and Wang Chuanshan's thoughts on Qi are also mainly concentrated in these two works. Because Wang Chuanshan's thought is systematic and consistent, he will refer to other works of Wang Chuanshan in his thesis writing, and will refer to the research results of others. The thesis is divided into the following three chapters: the first chapter is a brief introduction of Wang Chuanshan's life and a review of the development of Confucianism's Qi theory. Qi theory was shaped in Zhang Zai and became an indispensable part of the later Neo-Confucianism system. There was a second revival of Qi theory in Ming Dynasty. The scholars of Qi theory in Ming Dynasty adhered to the position of Qi monism and revised Neo-Confucianism, and Qi theory gradually deviated to natural philosophy in its development. The second chapter is a summary of Wang Chuanshan's theory of Qi: firstly, Wang Chuanshan's transformation of the concept of Qi, Wang Chuanshan's "Qi" is also the basis of the world; On the other hand, Wang Chuanshan believes that "Qi" is always in motion, the so-called "form", "form below" is only a description of "Qi" movement state, "Qi" shows eternal authenticity through movement. On this basis, Wang Chuanshan established a new view of heaven, "heaven" is the generation of the gasification movement, "Tiandao" is always in the movement changes, people must always be the same as the "heavenly Tao" in order to establish humanity. Thus, Wang Chuanshan put forward his own "theory of human nature": human nature is received in "Qi", which is originally the best, but the "nature" of human beings, like "Qi", is a dynamic existence. "Nature" as a result of all kinds of human actions is constantly changing, so it is an individual. We can not relax our moral practice for a moment, only human nature can be shown as good. The third chapter narrates the significance of Wang Chuanshan Qi Theory in the history of thought. Wang Chuanshan Qi Theory and Song Ming's Neo-Confucianism have the same basic goal. At the same time objectively, Wang Chuanshan's Qi theory no longer pursued to construct some metaphysics, and Song Ming's Neo-Confucianism came to an end here in Wang Chuanshan. Finally, the conclusion is that Wang Chuanshan's essence of Qi theory is a kind of moral philosophy emphasizing practice, through which he realizes the innovation of Confucianism again.
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