[Abstract]:The present research of Zhu Zi's philosophy is often more important than the separation of concepts and the change of ideas, and it is often enthralled by the complexity of the program or the difficulty of getting through it. Zhu Zi pointed out clearly that "the big and small each other" was the consciousness of Zhu Zi's methodology and emphasized the integrity and harmony of learning. Based on the characteristics of Chinese traditional philosophy, this paper holds that "one and two, two and one" is the core thinking structure of Zhu Zi's philosophy, its general outline and pivot, and the mellowness of treatment and popularity. The theory of humanism is "regulating the disposition of the mind", the theory of the Tao of Heaven is "Tao and rationalizing Qi", and the theory of work is "the use of respect for the body." As a result, the heart of Heaven and Man are connected with each other, and the Noumenon works fit together, thus showing the thread of Zhu Zi's philosophy.
【作者单位】: 云南大学哲学系;
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