[Abstract]:Deeply influenced by Marxist philosophy, Hou Wailu consciously set up the goal of using Marxist philosophy to clarify the development of Chinese society. From the macroscopic view of historical materialism, he concretely analyzed the dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness, economic base and superstructure in each period, and finally made the philosophical research achieve the concrete historical unity. In addition, on the basis of objective historical materials, he insisted on seeking truth from facts, blazing new trails in academic style, and adhered to the research attitude of dialectical research. Striving to discover the fine tradition of the struggle between Chinese traditional materialism and idealism against "heresy" and philosophers who are full of fighting spirit, and striving to be more complete. This paper objectively sums up the coincidence between Chinese philosophical thought and Marxist philosophical thought. In this paper, the author tries to discuss Hou Wailu's Marxist philosophy from six parts: the first part discusses the domestic and foreign research status, research significance, research methods and innovations; The second part discusses Hou Wailu's revelation and emphasis on materialist philosophers and their materialistic thoughts from the perspective of historical materialism. At the same time, in the persistent struggle of materialism and idealism, the author criticizes idealism firmly; the third part studies the viewpoint of materialist dialectics. Hou Wailu carried forward the materialistic tradition of Chinese philosophy. The struggle against idealism leads to the continuous development of philosophical thought, and Hou Wailu proves the generality and particularity of the development of Chinese philosophical thought by studying the development of Chinese and Western philosophical thoughts. The fourth part mainly reveals Hou Wailu's interpretation and attention to Mao Zedong's Theory of practice, and then discusses the embodiment and application of actual viewpoint in the debate of the relationship between practice and cognition of materialism epistemology. The fifth part summarizes the similarities between the thought of Datong and communism in class struggle, and the sixth part summarizes the contribution of Hou Wailu's Marxist thought value and its academic enlightenment.
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