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发布时间:2019-04-08 18:19
[Abstract]:Most of human behavior is not individual behavior, from the recognition of the monetary system to our co-operation of companies, we are implicit or explicit in a kind of cooperation with others. There is more than one person involved in cooperative action. It is an important topic in philosophy that how to explain the intention of cooperative action. There have always been two different views: one is to explain it by individual intention, which is basically held by traditional philosophy, and the other is to explain cooperative action by collective intention, represented by Searle. Based on Searle's theory of collective intentionality, this paper discusses the collective intentionality of real cooperation, coincidental "cooperation", game and so on. Specifically, the article mainly consists of two parts. The first part mainly discusses the relationship between consciousness and intention, the theory of intention and action, and the concept of collective intention. Intentionality represents the nature of the mind pointing to the external environment. Intentionality is usually based on consciousness, acts through related events, and has a certain conscious directivity. Intention, desire, etc are one of the forms of intention, and intention is a psychological tendency related to action. In the case of individuals alone, all intention can be expressed as "I intend XXX", "I want XXX" and so on. Collectively, intentionality contains the form "we intend XXX", "we want XXX". Searle's theory of collective intentionality is a good theoretical explanation for such cooperative action. In "the Construction of Social reality", Searle uses the concept of "collective intention" together with the other two elements, "functional entrusts", and "Constructional rules" as the three basic elements of social reality construction. The second part mainly discusses the concept of cooperative action, the real cooperation, the coincidental "cooperation", the collective intention in the game. A cooperative action is based on pre-identification and clear intent, with a collective goal in the form of "we want to do it." The collective behavior of For this kind of cooperation, the author discusses the individual intention and the collective intention to explain the problem respectively. In addition, it focuses on the collective intentionality of some cases in which "cooperation", even if coincidental with others, is regarded as cooperative behavior or when one makes mistakes or even is completely conscious of one's own. Finally, the structure and conditions of cooperation are discussed.


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