[Abstract]:This paper leads to a broader reflection on the skepticism of hermeneutics from Rico's Hermeneutics of doubt, emphasizing that any hermeneutics is the overcoming of skepticism, which has been demonstrated by the development of western hermeneutics from modern to modern times. The starting point of contemporary phenomenology is intuitionistic "given nature", not some kind of preconceived foundation. The given nature of phenomenology transcends traditional fundamentalism, and it also transcends scepticism, and its suspicions are Descartes. Gadamer seemed dissatisfied with Ricoh's obsession with the confrontations and differences between skeptical hermeneutics and confidence hermeneutics, that is, putting skeptical hermeneutics into confidence hermeneutics. Although he does not explicitly use the word "confidence hermeneutics" in this article. For Gadamer, from doubt to confidence was achieved through dialectics, and the dialectics in his eyes were interpreted and docked with phenomenology, covering such factors as dialogue, the application of hermeneutics, practical wisdom, and the fusion of horizons. Gadamer highlights the concept of "sharing" that arose from it, stressing that understanding, as a form of participation, is "sharing" rather than monopolization, that it is not the acquisition part, but the acquisition of the whole, the civilization of mankind, and the development of culture in this way. Like snowballs, the bigger the roll.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学人文学院哲学系;
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