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发布时间:2019-05-09 15:17
【摘要】:“正如达尔文发现了进化论一样,马克思发现了剩余价值学说和唯物史观”,唯物主义历史观是马克思主义哲学的最重要的组成部分,没有唯物主义历史观,马克思主义哲学就仍然是不彻底的半途而废的唯物主义,是旧唯物主义的翻版。 正像罗马不是一天建成的那样,唯物史观的形成也不是一蹴而就的,而是经历了一个漫长的发展时期:对历史的研究在古希腊、基督教时期就已经存在,康德、黑格尔、费尔巴哈等人对历史都有较为深入的研究,但他们的研究结论都是唯心主义的,他们所研究的理论一时可能会有所作用,但是不能长期指导人类的实践走向正确的道路;只有马克思的唯物史观,在不同制度不同国情的国家里,都一直起着重要的作用,并将指导着我们人类走向更加辉煌的未来。纵观马克思的一生,唯物史观的形成经历了他从中学到任职《莱茵报》期间主要受黑格尔唯心主义的影响,以唯心主义的历史观出场时期;从《论犹太人》到《神圣家族》在处理现实生活问题中马克思遇到困惑,用黑格尔的理性无法解决现实生活问题促使马克思关注市民社会和国家;在《黑格尔法哲学批判导言》中,马克思揭示了无产阶级的产生是响应时代的号召,并在此基础上指出了无产阶级的使命;而《1844年经济学哲学手稿》对异化劳动的全面阐释,层层深入地解剖劳动让我们洞悉了那个时代的黑暗,此时马克思思想虽深受费尔巴哈的影响,但其思想己由唯心转向唯物,在《神圣家族》中,马克思指出了物质生产、群众在历史发展中的重要性;最后是《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》的发表,此时马克思的思想深化到社会内部,揭示社会的发展规律,彻底清算了费尔巴哈人本主义的影响和残余,完成了从异化劳动理论到唯物史观的飞跃,标志着马克思唯物史观的最终形成。 唯物史观的形成,使哲学成功地实现了变革,不管是对马克思本人思想的发展,还是对东西方世界,都产生了重要的影响。
[Abstract]:"just as Darwin discovered the theory of evolution, Marx discovered the theory of surplus value and historical materialism." materialism is the most important part of Marxist philosophy, and there is no materialist view of history. Marxist philosophy is still an incomplete half-way materialism and a replica of the old materialism. Just as Rome was not built in one day, the formation of historical materialism was not achieved overnight, but experienced a long period of development: the study of history already existed in ancient Greece, Christianity, Kant, Heger, Feuerbach and others have a more in-depth study of history, but their research conclusions are idealistic, the theory they study may play a role for a while, but it can not guide human practice to the right path for a long time. Only Marx's historical materialism has always played an important role in countries with different systems and national conditions, and will guide us to a more brilliant future. Throughout Marx's life, the formation of historical materialism experienced the period from which he learned that he was mainly influenced by Hegelian idealism during his tenure of the Rhine newspaper, and came out with the idealistic view of history. From "on Jew" to "Holy Family" in dealing with the real life problems, Marx encountered confusion, and Hegel's rationality could not solve the real life problems, which prompted Marx to pay attention to the civil society and the country. In the introduction to the critique of Hegel's philosophy of law, Marx reveals that the proletariat is a response to the call of the times, and on this basis points out the mission of the proletariat. The comprehensive interpretation of foreign labor in Economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844 gives us an insight into the darkness of that era by deeply dissecting labor layer by layer. Although Marx's thought was deeply influenced by Feuerbach, his thought has changed from idealism to materialism. In the Holy Family, Marx pointed out the importance of material production and the masses in the historical development. Finally, it is the publication of the outline of Feuerbach and the German ideology. At this time, Marx's thought deepens into the society, reveals the law of social development, and thoroughly liquidates the influence and remnants of Feuerbach humanism. The leap from alienated labor theory to historical materialism marks the final formation of Marx's historical materialism. The formation of historical materialism has made philosophy change successfully, both to the development of Marx's own thought and to the world of East and West.


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3 关文韬;马克思异化劳动理论研究[D];西北师范大学;2014年

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9 余致青;马克思异化劳动理论的多重维度[D];上海交通大学;2008年

10 潘文颖;异化劳动理论在马克思主义哲学中的地位研究[D];江西师范大学;2011年




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