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发布时间:2018-03-31 01:36

  本文选题:技术职称 切入点:护士 出处:《护理学报》2015年24期

【摘要】:目的分析某三级甲等综合性医院不同技术职称护士个人年终考评现状,以期为进一步完善考核规定提供依据。方法收集泰州市人民医院2014年不同技术职称护士个人年终考评相关资料,进行描述性统计学分析,找出影响护士考核合格的主要原因,提出改进措施。结果 2014年共考核护士823名,其中高级职称45名,中级职称264名,初级职称514名,总合格率87.2%。考核合格率位列前3位科室的是护理部100%、肿瘤科93.2%、感染科91.8%;考核不合格主要原因,高级职称均因没有文章发表而不合格;中级职称不合格原因位列前3位的依次是没有文章发表、出勤不达标、科室考试不合格;初级职称不合格原因位列前3位的依次是出勤不达标、三基考试不合格、未考取带教证。结论对各级职称护理人员量化考评内容还需不断完善,使之更加细化、合理、可考核,以提高护理管理的效果,保证临床护理工作质量。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the current situation of year-end appraisal of nurses with different technical titles in a Grade 3A general hospital, in order to provide basis for further improvement of examination regulations.Methods the relevant data of personal year-end evaluation of nurses with different technical titles in Taizhou people's Hospital in 2014 were collected and descriptive statistical analysis was carried out to find out the main reasons affecting the qualification of nurses and put forward the improvement measures.Results A total of 823 nurses were examined in 2014, including 45 senior titles, 264 intermediate titles and 514 junior titles. The total qualified rate was 87.2%.The qualified rate in the top 3 departments is the nursing department 100, the oncology department 93.2and the infection department 91.8.The main reason for the unqualified examination is that the senior professional title is not qualified because of no article published.The first three reasons for disqualification of intermediate titles are: no articles published, attendance not up to standard, department examinations not up to standard; the reasons for disqualification of primary titles ranked in the first three places in turn are not up to the standard of attendance, the three basic examinations are not up to standard,Failed to take a certificate.Conclusion it is necessary to perfect the quantitative evaluation content of nursing staff at all levels in order to improve the effect of nursing management and ensure the quality of clinical nursing work.
【作者单位】: 泰州市人民医院护理部;


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