[Abstract]:Just recently, the professional and technical personnel of the township enterprises in Suizhou City rushed to tell each other an exciting news. Among them, more than 1300 outstanding people were individually declared and assessed by the units. The municipal non-public ownership unit primary technical post comprehensive evaluation committee strict appraisal, obtained the primary technical title. There are 286 assistant engineers and 280 technicians; 316 assistant accountants, 140 accountants; 180 assistant economists, 108 economists; 14 assistant statisticians and 31 statisticians. Persons who meet the application and senior conditions will be recommended to the comprehensive evaluation committee of provincial and prefectural non-national units. The vast number of professional and technical personnel have reflected that this incident really reflects the policy of the party and the government to select qualified personnel unrigidly, which marks the evaluation procedure of the titles of township enterprises, and the evaluation channels have taken the track of normalizing and standardizing. The evaluation of the titles of township enterprises' professional and technical personnel is the first time that the municipal talent exchange service center has taken the lead in the evaluation. The purpose is to establish the position and role of township enterprises in socialist economic construction by evaluating the professional and technical positions of township enterprises, and to further arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of the professional and technical personnel and managers of township enterprises. To this end, in the evaluation, first, the implementation of separate evaluation and employment, the number of posts and posts do not make restrictions on the number and age, as long as they meet the reporting conditions, the number of qualified assessment, the number of calculation, thus completely lifted some people
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