本文关键词:基于温补心肾、活血化瘀治疗缓慢性心律失常的临床研究 出处:《辽宁中医药大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Objective: To observe the clinical effect of warming and invigorating heart and kidney, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis on slow arrhythmia syndrome treatment, and explore the application of traditional Chinese medicine on slow arrhythmia pacing treatment after operation on the safety and pacing therapy whether had the effect of optimization. Materials and methods: the recruitment of 120 cases were diagnosed as deficiency of heart and kidney yang and blood stasis type of slow arrhythmia patients, including 80 cases of pacemaker implantation, 40 cases without pacemaker implantation, no pacemaker implantation patients received TCM treatment of warming and invigorating heart and kidney, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis ", implanted pacemaker randomly 80 cases divided into two groups, one group was not given to Chinese medicine treatment, another group received the TCM treatment of warming and invigorating heart and kidney, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis", for treatment. The clinical changes and quality of life were observed before and after the treatment of the three groups, and the symptoms and quality of life of the Chinese medicine were scored. Results: the curative effect of heart rate: Shenxian Shengmai group and combined group patients after the calm heart rate and 24h dynamic electrocardiogram of the heart rate increased significantly (P0.05); no significant difference before and after the change of pacing group (P0.05); pacing group and combined group after treatment had significant difference (P0.05), that. Xian Shengmai combined therapy + pacemaker pacemaker therapy improve curative effect is better than pure heart rate. The electrocardiogram effect: the Shen Xian Shengmai group was 82.50%, the pacemaker was 90%, the Shen Xian Shengmai + pacemaker group was 95%, and the combined group was better than the simple pacemaker group (P0.05). The total curative effect of TCM symptoms is: Shen Xian Sheng Mai group is 85%, pacemaker group is 90%, Shen Xian Sheng pulse + pacemaker group is 92.50%, the effect of Shen Xian Sheng Mai + pacemaker group is better than pacemaker group (P0.05). The comparison of the score of single syndrome: the TCM syndromes were improved after the treatment of the patients in each group. The pacing group was superior to the Shen Xian Shengmai + pacing group (P0.05) except for the symptoms of chest tightness. All the other curative effects of Shen Xian Shengmai + pacing group were better than that of the pacing group (P0.05). Quality of life score: there was no difference between the pacemaker group and the combined group before the treatment, and there was no statistical significance. The two groups were comparable (P0.05). Shenxian Shengmai group and combined treatment group were significantly improved after the quality of life of patients, after the score was calculated, were statistically significant (P < 0.05); the treatment group before and after pacemaker evaluation of quality of life of no difference was not statistically significant (P0.05), shows the influence of other factors on the quality of life does not have statistical significance pacemaker; group and combined treatment group after the assessment of the quality of life significantly, with statistical significance (P0.05), Chinese medicine has effect on improving the quality of life of patients after pacemaker implantation. There was no obvious abnormality in liver, kidney function, blood, urine and routine routine before and after treatment (P0.05). Conclusion: Based on the hearts and kidneys, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis syndrome differentiation and treatment of slow arrhythmia has obvious curative effect, can significantly improve the heart rate, and can improve the clinical symptoms and quality of life, without any obvious side effect. Compared with pacemaker group, the TCM symptoms of the combined group changed significantly, indicating that the application of Chinese medicine in pacing after bradyarrhythmia has an optimized effect on pacing therapy.
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