本文选题:湿热体质 切入点:湿热证 出处:《北京中医药大学学报》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since since the promulgation and implementation of < > and determine the association of Chinese medicine standard and Chinese constitution classification, often confuse the issue of constitution and damp heat syndrome of damp heat in the process of clinical application, which leads to the two parties to send medicinal is not clear. In view of this first from the identification, treatment, drug compatibility and the 3 aspects of damp heat constitution carrying on the analysis with damp heat syndrome, and the clinical common in damp heat constitution and damp heat syndrome and strengthen their differences and relations. For example focuses on the screening method of damp heat constitution main drug main party, based on the damp heat constitution adjustment body main medicine Huang Qin, Coptis, wormwood, talc and analysis of the main body of damp heat transfer Ganluxiaodu Dan deeply, exclusive features clear damp heat constitution party. For the task of medicinal standardization of damp heat constitution conditioning program formulation and implementation has high clinical value.
【作者单位】: 北京中医药大学中医体质与生殖医学研究中心;
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