[Abstract]:At present, the etiology and pathogenesis of essential hypertension can not be clearly explained in modern medicine. Most of them believe that it is a cardiovascular syndrome characterized by elevated arterial blood pressure caused by the interaction of multiple factors. It often accompanies a series of cardiovascular system damage changes with the development of the course of the disease. Modern medicine has developed and improved a variety of first-line antihypertensive western medicine for this disease, which has better antihypertensive effect and certain cardiovascular system protection, to a large extent, to control the adverse development of the disease and reduce the incidence of complications, but currently commonly used in clinical control of hypertension. There are still some defects in the treatment of Western medicine, such as unconscious symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, insomnia and so on. Some drugs still have relatively obvious side effects, such as adverse effects on glucose tolerance and lipid metabolism of patients, can cause peripheral edema, and even some studies believe that sexual function of hypertension patients. Obstacles may be related to drugs such as diuretics, which have a negative impact on the quality of daily life of patients, and most patients need long-term or even lifelong use of blood pressure control drugs. This long-term medical expenditure is a long-term financial burden for patients, families and society, especially in China. The expenditure of medical insurance funds in the underdeveloped rural areas and even in the third and fourth tier cities has not been comparable to that in the first tier cities, so the patients and their families in this part of the country will still bear more expenditure expenses, and the corresponding economic burden of their families will be obviously increased. However, according to the clinical symptoms and symptoms of the disease, modern Chinese medicine studies usually classify it as "dizziness", "liver wind" and "headache" in traditional Chinese medicine for dialectical treatment. The study shows that acupuncture and moxibustion have good antihypertensive effect, especially in short-term antihypertensive effect on the benign regulation of systolic blood pressure, as well as the obvious improvement of clinical discomfort symptoms and side effects of patients are significantly lower than those of Western antihypertensive drugs, and the price is low, the operation is simple, it is worthy of wide regional application. But at present, the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion can not be clearly explained, to a certain extent, limiting the promotion in a wider range and even the global scope, so the study of acupuncture and moxibustion mechanism is very important. The therapeutic effect of moxibustion is often the result of multi-target interaction of the human body, which makes it difficult to explain the therapeutic mechanism, especially the acupuncture effect mechanism of acupoint prescription. Therefore, the central and peripheral nerves of acupuncture and moxibustion hypotensive mechanism, humoral factors regulation mechanism should be interactive relationship, each mechanism can not be completely separated, because the current research results on the mechanism of the relationship between the various parts of the mechanism has not been well explained, so this topic is still to study the central mechanism. Previous experimental results showed that acupuncture at Taichong acupoint of SHR rats could not reduce blood pressure to normal level, and had a good effect on reducing blood pressure compared with the model group rats, but the acupuncture theory selected in the experiment suggested that Ququan could improve the symptoms of dizziness and headache, and Chongyang acupuncture treatment was not found. At the same time, it is generally believed that the medulla oblongata contains the lowest and most basic cardiovascular regulatory center, as well as many nuclei indispensable to the downward projection pathway of the central nervous system. At present, it is not clear whether acupuncture can affect the medulla oblongata and then produce related regulatory effects and the specific pathways related to protein in the mechanism of acupuncture regulating hypertension central target. Therefore, this topic selected the medulla oblongata which is closely related to blood pressure regulation as the research object to study the differential hypotension of the points selected in the experiment. Objective: To investigate the central mechanism of acupoint effect and its specificity. The difference of protein expression in the medulla oblongata of SHR rats after acupuncture intervention by Taichong, Ququan and Chongyang was also found to improve the symptoms of dizziness and headache, but the therapeutic effect was specific. Fifty-five male spontaneously hypertensive rats were randomly divided into Taichong group, Ququan group, Chongyang group, non-acupoint group and model group with 11 rats in each group.Eight normal male Wistar rats aged 9 weeks were selected as normal group. The head of the rats was fixed. The rats in the normal group were treated with the same method for 5 minutes without acupuncture. On the seventh day, the rats in the model group were treated with the same method for 5 minutes without acupuncture. After acupuncture, the brain of rats in each group was taken out and the medulla oblongata was separated, and then the proteins were extracted from the ground tissues, separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, scanned images and image analysis. The proteins in each group were analyzed by mass spectrometry and retrieved from MASCOT database. Results: (1) Ima was used to identify the proteins in each group. Gemaste 2D 5.0 software was used to analyze the obtained two-dimensional gel electrophoresis map. The results were compared with those of other groups using model group as reference gel. The results of the corresponding differential protein spots in the medulla oblongata of rats in each group were as follows: 1. There were 15 up-regulated and 11 down-regulated differential protein spots in Taichong group; 2. There were large differences in Chongyang group. There were 34 differential protein spots up-regulated and 28 down-regulated in mice, 14 up-regulated and 13 down-regulated in Ququan group, 33 up-regulated and 27 down-regulated in non-acupoint group. There were 28 protein spots and 13 down-regulated protein spots; (2) The results of differential protein spot identification in all experimental rats: 216 different protein spots were obtained in each experimental group, and 37 proteins were obtained in each group after distinct expression differences and repetitive points were removed. Protein LOC100911959: regulates cell growth and development, cell cycle and signal transduction; Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase: is associated with apoptosis, growth and DNA repair; is also highly expressed in some tumors and is associated with tumor typing, staging, and prognosis; T Mic60 (Fragment): participate in the regulation of mitochondria and protein transport processing efficiency; Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 3: participate in axon elongation and neuronal polarization formation, participate in the dynamic regulation of microtubules; Cathepsin B: participate in lysosome protein degradation process and immune reaction antigen processing, hormone activation; Peroxiredoxin-related protein 3: participate in the process of neuronal polarization and microtubule dynamic regulation; Cathepsin B: participate in lysosome protein degradation process 2: The main scavenger of hydrogen peroxide in red blood cells, protecting red blood cells and erythrocyte membranes. ATP synthase subunit d, mitochondrial. down-regulated six proteins: Succinyl-CoA ligase subunit beta; Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase; Protein Serpinb6: protease inhibitor; Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1: participating in eukaryotic fineness Anamorsin; Protein Plcxd3, involved in lipid metabolism. 3. Four up-regulated proteins in Ququan group: Septin-11: involved in cytokinesis, intracellular substance transport, apoptosis and other cellular physiological processes, controlling the cell migration during embryonic development; Synthetase: Involves in the process of clearing free ammonium ions in the body and plays a protective role in the body; Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein: maintains cell survival and function, improves cell resistance, synergistic immunity; SAP domain-containing ribonucleoprotein. - Involves in the important transcription or translation control of cell growth, metabolism and canceration. Lamin-B1: affects cell proliferation, migration, oxidative stress and signaling pathways, and is overexpressed in some cancerous tissues; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit: regulates protein phosphorylation; Secernin-1: regulates cell exocytosis, and is overexpressed in some cancers; Predicted: involved in the regulation of cellular function, and directly related to neurotransmitter transmission and neurological dysfunction and other diseases. Two of the opyrimidinase-related proteins were down-regulated: Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37: involved in many physiological and pathological processes of tumors; Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(o) subunit alpha: involved in ion channels and signal transduction regulation, and some tumors may be associated with its disorders. _The model group was compared with the normal group. In rats, there are two up-regulated proteins: Glycine-tRNA ligase (Fragment): a specific enzyme that catalyzes the binding of amino acids to tRNA, participates in gene expression control and inhibits cell apoptosis; Spermatid-associated protein: associated with infertility and infertility. Signal transduction promotes folding quality control of glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum; Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C: is related to the inducible glycometabolism enzymes in some tumor cells; Biliverdin reductase A: participates in the regulation of phosphorylation of cell signaling pathways, affecting metabolic related proteins, and the molecular cell cycle of apoptosis. Inositol monophosphatase 1: participated in phosphatidylinositol signal transduction; Phosphoribosyl transfer domain containing 1: correlated with the function of killing tumor cells. CONCLUSION: 1. SHR rats in the medulla oblongata compared with Wistar rats. Some related proteins involved in insulin metabolism and energy metabolism were expressed differently, and combined with other related studies, it was speculated that the changes of blood pressure may be related to abnormal energy metabolism; SHR rats may be more susceptible to immunodeficiency-related diseases than normal rats. 2. The central mechanism of hypotensive effect of acupuncture at Taichong point may be related to the medulla oblongata. Acupuncture of Chongyang acupoint can lead to some related proteins in medulla oblongata involved in affecting lipid metabolism.
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