[Abstract]:Objective: for impotence in andrology, the syndromes in the textbooks of Chinese medicine abroad are quite different from those we have observed in clinic. And many card types are not involved. From 2011 to 2013, under the guidance of Professor Xu Fusong, 40 patients with impotence were collected from the Department of andrology in the famous Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine of Jiangsu Province, and the main clinical syndrome types of impotence were analyzed. This paper compares and analyses with 5 main textbooks of contemporary Chinese medicine (foreign English version), finds out the differences and finds out the points that need to be improved, and then probes into the international education of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: two methods were used for teaching materials and two groups of clinical data. The first stage: 1. Systematic collection and recording of 5 TCM internal medicine (foreign raw use) for impotence classification. The method of syndrome differentiation and classification follows the method of syndrome differentiation in the book. 2. Systematic collation of 40 cases of impotence data, under the guidance of Xu Fusong. Inclusion criteria: the patient's main complaint is unable to maintain an erection or erectile difficulty. The patients included in the standard were divided into syndromes by TCM four-diagnosis tongue, pulse and main complaint symptoms. The second stage: data standardization, collation, statistics, analysis, comparison. Results: after statistics, 10 types of impotence syndrome were found in 5 foreign textbooks of traditional Chinese medicine. The most common type of textbook syndrome is deficiency of kidney yang (senility of Shengmen fire), occurrence rate of 100, stagnation of liver qi (100%), betting on dampness and heat (100%), deficiency of heart and spleen (80%), panic injury of kidney (60%), deficiency of heart and gallbladder qi (20%), deficiency of kidney yin (fire of yin deficiency) (20%), deficiency of kidney essence (20%), deficiency of cold and blood coagulation (20%). Stagnation (20%) and cold stagnation of the liver accounted for 20%. According to the data analysis of 40 groups of cases collected in clinic, there are 8 syndrome types. The most common clinical syndrome type is kidney yin deficiency (Yin deficiency and fire flourishing), about 70 cases, followed by liver stagnation and qi stagnation. About 32.5, the patients with dampness and heat were 27.5am, those with phlegm and turbid block were 12.5, those with dampness and spleen were 12.5, the patients with deficiency of heart and spleen were 10, the patients with panic injury and kidney were 7.5 and those with blood stasis were 2.5. There were also many patients with two or more types of complex syndrome, 14 of 40 patients with single syndrome type and 26 with complex syndrome type. The average patient had 1.75 syndrome types. According to statistics, the combination of Yin deficiency, fire, liver depression and qi stagnation is the most. About 20%, 15% of Yin deficiency Fire, 15% of Yin deficiency Fire, 7.5 of Yin-deficiency Fire, 7.5 of Fire failure, 7.5 of phlegm and dampness Block, 7.5 of deficiency of Heart and spleen, 5 of Yin deficiency of Fire, 5 of Dish and Heat, and 5 of panic injury Kidney. The combination of damp-heat injection and stagnation of liver qi accounted for 2.5%, and the combination of damp-heat injection and blood stasis accounted for 2.5%. Conclusion: by analyzing and comparing the data of teaching materials with clinical data, we find that there are some syndrome types in clinic that are not included in most textbooks, such as Yin deficiency and fire, phlegm dampness block, blood stasis, and these three syndromes (70% 12.5% and 2.5% respectively). However, in the 40 cases of impotence collected clinically, the syndrome types mentioned in the textbooks, such as deficiency of heart and gallbladder qi, cold stagnation of liver vein, cold coagulation and blood stagnation, deficiency of kidney essence, may be related to the smaller sample. But in the other side it also shows that these syndrome types are not very common in clinical practice. Through the analysis of textbook syndrome types, we found that liver qi stagnation, damp-heat betting, deficiency of heart and spleen, and panic injury and kidney are the most important syndromes in most teaching materials, especially the failure of the fire in Shengmen, which are the primary syndromes mentioned in most teaching materials of traditional Chinese medicine. But it is not the main type of clinical syndrome. It is worth mentioning that kidney yin deficiency plays a dominant role in clinical practice, regardless of single syndrome or complex syndrome. However, only one textbook in the teaching of internal medicine has been involved.
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