[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the total effective rate of clearing away heat and removing dampness powder in treating children eczema, including the degree of target skin damage, the degree of pruritus and related TCM syndromes, and to evaluate the clinical practice of internal and external treatment of TCM. Treatment of eczema in children. Methods: 90 cases of eczema patients aged 3-9 years were selected as the study objects. According to the order of visit, the selected cases were randomly divided into each group (30 cases), that is, treatment group (30 cases). Control group 1 and control group 2, total 3 groups. Respectively: Chinese medicine external washing plus traditional Chinese medicine powder Qingre dehumidification oral treatment, traditional Chinese medicine external washing plus Chinese patent medicine Gentian Xiegan granule oral treatment, simple Chinese medicine external washing treatment. Gender, age, course of disease, main symptoms (target lesions, pruritus) and concurrent symptoms (TCM syndrome) were recorded. All the three groups were treated with 1 week as a course of treatment and evaluated after 2 courses of treatment. Observe the improvement of symptom score and record it before and after treatment. After 2 courses of treatment, the curative effect was judged and the data were analyzed by SPSS20.0 software. The result is 1: 1. Treatment group, control group 1 and control group 2 patients in sex, age, course of disease and other conditions in the composition of comparison no significant difference (P0.05), comparable, can be carried out this clinical study. 2. The main symptom score (target lesion degree, pruritus degree): after two courses of treatment, there were significant differences in the target skin lesion degree and the pruritus degree integral between the three groups (P0.05), which indicated that the improvement of the main symptom score in the treatment group was better than that in the control group (1). Control group 1 was better than control group 2. 3. Syndrome integral (TCM syndrome): after 2 courses of treatment, the three groups of children with TCM syndrome score were significantly different (P0.05), indicating that the treatment group TCM syndrome integral improvement is better than the control group 1, control group 1 is better than the control group 2.4. A total of 90 cases of children with eczema were observed in this study. The treatment group was treated by clearing heat, detoxifying, relieving itching and external washing prescription plus traditional Chinese medicine powder, clearing away heat and removing dampness. After two courses of treatment, the total effective rate of the treatment group was 86.67. Control group 1 was 70.00g and control group 2 33.33. The effective rate of the three groups was different, which indicated that the treatment group (Chinese medicine external washing plus Chinese medicine powder) was better than the control group 1 (traditional Chinese medicine external washing plus Chinese patent medicine), the control group 1 was superior to the control group 2 (simple external washing prescription treatment). In the treatment group, 9 cases (30%) were clinically cured, 11 cases (36.67%) were markedly effective, 6 cases (20%) were effective, 4 cases (13.33%) were ineffective. The total effective rate was 86.67%. The control group (1) was treated with Qingrejiedu antipruritic external washing prescription plus Longdan Xiegan granule, the traditional Chinese patent medicine. 3 cases were cured (10%), 6 cases were effective (20%), 12 cases were effective (40%), 9 cases were ineffective (30%). The total effective rate was 70%. In control group 2, 1 case (3.33%) was cured, 0 cases (0%) had remarkable effect, 9 cases (30%) were effective, 20 cases (66.67%) were ineffective, the total effective rate was 33.33%, and only one case (3.33%) was cured, 9 cases (30%) were effective, 20 cases (66.67%) were ineffective, and the total effective rate was 33.33%. There was significant difference among the three groups (P0.05). Conclusion: 1. Clearing heat and removing dampness powder has remarkable curative effect in treating children eczema (damp heat immersion syndrome). 2. Clearing heat and removing dampness powder is a safe and reliable clinical therapy for the treatment of children eczema.
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