[Abstract]:Objective To study the effect of acupuncture on the endogenous small molecule (molecular weight 1000) of functional dyspepsia (FD) in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) by means of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-active Orbitrap-MS). To study the effect of acupuncture on the change of the material base content and the law, to provide a new bioinformatics basis and a clue for revealing the mechanism of the metabolic group of the acupuncture combined point treatment FD. Methods The plasma metabolic group of FD patients was studied by means of UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap-MS, and the potential biomarkers of FD were found by comparison with the healthy group. The metabolic pathway of potential biomarkers was analyzed by the MetPA platform. In the study of the metabolic group of the treatment FD of the combined point, the treatment FD was treated by means of acupuncture combined with the points, the lower and the lower, and the point of raising, and by means of UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap-MS, the group of FD patients were found to be treated with acupuncture for 2 courses of treatment (10 days). There was a statistically significant biomarker in plasma after 4 courses of treatment (20 days). the content of the difference marker in each group of plasma is analyzed, the mean content of the plasma mark in the healthy group is taken as the reference standard, the acupuncture combined point, the lower cavity and the point raising point are used for treating the treatment of the FD, and the two treatment courses are treated, The mean content of the difference markers in the plasma after 4 treatment courses was compared and the change of the mean content of the markers in each group was observed, and the effect of the acupuncture on the plasma metabolites in the FD patients was discussed. Results 1. Compared with the healthy group, the content of phenethylamine, (3R, 7R) -1, 3, 7-Octanetriol in the plasma of FD patients decreased significantly (P0.01), and the content of nitrite, 2-phenethyl amine and L-isoleucine increased significantly (P0.01), and the content of 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid in the 2-hexanyl glycerol, 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid decreased significantly (P0.05). The contents of D-proline and D-proline increased significantly (P0.05). The metabolic pathway associated with FD is phenylalanine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism. A total of 15 markers of statistical difference (P0.05) were selected and 10 were successfully identified, including nitrite, 2-phenethyl amine and D-proline. L-isoleucine is down-regulated in plasma after acupuncture combined with point-in-point treatment; 2-hexyl glycerol, amino malonic acid, 1-methyl-2-coumaric acid, 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid, 3-methylhistidine and 12-ketodesodeoxycholic acid were up-regulated in plasma after acupuncture combined with the point-in-point treatment. The related regulatory pathway of the treatment of FD with the acupuncture combined point is phenylalanine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism. A total of 11 biomarkers (P0.05) were selected and 9 were successfully identified, including nitrite, 2-phenethamine, D-proline, (3R, (R) -1, 3, 7-Octanetriol. L-isoleucine was down-regulated in the plasma after the treatment of the acupuncture and the third-point acupuncture point; 2-hexyl glycerol, 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid, and 12-one deoxycholic acid, and the smoke and the amine were all up-regulated in the plasma treated by the acupuncture and the three-point acupuncture point. The relevant regulatory pathway of the treatment of FD with acupuncture at the lower point of acupuncture is phenylalanine metabolism. A total of 11 markers of statistical difference (P0.05) were selected from the treatment of 2 treatment courses and 4 treatment courses of the FD patients from the acupuncture point-raising point (Zhongzi), and 10 were successfully identified, of which the nitrite, 2-phenylidenamine, D-proline is down-regulated in plasma after acupuncture, and 2-hexyl glycerol, amino malonic acid, 1-methyl-2-coumaric acid, 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid, 3-methylhistidine, and 12-one deoxycholic acid, L-non-threonine was up-regulated in plasma after acupuncture. The related regulatory pathway of the acupuncture point-raising treatment FD is the metabolism of phenylalanine, arginine and proline. Conclusion 1. The variation in the content of a series of metabolites is a common characteristic of the plasma metabolite of the FD patient, in which the plasma phenethylamine, the nitrite, the 2-phenylglyoxyamine, the 2-hexanyl glycerol, the 4-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid, the 1-ethanone-2-coumaric acid, the D-proline, (3R, 7R) -1,3,7-Octanetriol. L-Inisoleucine is a potential biomarker for FD. The potential target pathway associated with the FD disease may be phenylalanine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism. The mechanism of the metabolic group in the treatment of FD by acupuncture combined with the acupoint may be related to the regulation of the metabolism of phenylalanine, arginine and proline. Acupuncture combined with the points of distribution, the lower combined point and the point-raising point have a certain benign regulation effect on the metabolic markers of the FD-related metabolic markers, and the overall regulation effect of the combined points is better than that of the lower and the point-raising points.
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