[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the effect of acupuncture on hypothalamic oxytocin (Oxytocin, OT) and its receptor (Oxytocin Rceptor, in rats with chronic stress anxiety on the basis of the preliminary study on the anti-anxiety effect of acupuncture and the regulating effect of acupuncture on ANP-HPA axis in rats with chronic stress anxiety. The effects of OXTR and the (corticosterone, CORT) level of corticosterone at the end of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (hypothalamo-p ituitary-adrenal axis, HPA axis) were studied to explore the mechanism of some neuroendocrine effects of acupuncture in the treatment of anxiety disorder. It is intended to open up a new direction for the study of the mechanism of acupuncture anti-anxiety. Methods: 30 healthy, clean and male SD rats were randomly divided into blank group, model group and acupuncture group with 10 rats in each group. The anxiety animal model was established by unpredictable chronic stress (chronic unpredictable stress, CUS) method. Acupuncture group selected "Neiguan", "Shenmen" point for hand-needle treatment, twisting once in 5 minutes, twisting lasted 30 s, alternate day, alternately, each treatment lasted 30 minutes, lasted 15 days, acupuncture began on the same day. The anxiety-like behavior of rats was measured by elevated cruciform maze, the contents of OT and CORT in plasma were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa), and the expression of OT and OXTR in hypothalamus was measured by immunohistochemistry. Results: 1. Behavior: compared with the blank group, the 0T% value of the model group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P0.05), and the 0T% value of the acupuncture group was significantly higher than that of the model group (P0.05). The 0E% of the model group was lower than that of the blank group (P0.05), and the 0E% of the acupuncture group was also higher than that of the model group (P0.05), but there was no statistical difference between the two groups. The results show that the experimental model animal is in a state of anxiety, and the model is successful, and acupuncture can improve the anxiety of the animal. 2. Compared with the blank group, the hypothalamus OT,OXTR: concentration in the model group was significantly lower than that in the blank group (P0.01), and the OT concentration in the hypothalamus in the acupuncture group was significantly higher than that in the model group (P0.01), group was significantly higher than that in the model group). The concentration of OXTR in the model group was lower than that in the blank group (P0.05), and the concentration of OXTR in the acupuncture group was also lower than that in the model group, but there was no statistical difference between the two groups (P0.05). It is suggested that acupuncture can up-regulate the concentration of OT in rats with chronic stress anxiety. 3. Compared with the blank group, the plasma OT: concentration in the model group was lower than that in the model group, and the plasma OT concentration in the acupuncture group was higher than that in the model group, but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). The plasma CORT: concentration in the model group was significantly higher than that in the blank group (P0.01), and the plasma CORT concentration in the acupuncture group was significantly lower than that in the model group (P0.05). It is suggested that chronic stress can lead to the increase of CORT in rats, and acupuncture can down-regulate the excessive CORT. induced by stress. Conclusion: acupuncture can improve the anxiety of chronic stress rats, which may be related to the up-regulation of OT expression in hypothalamus, the decrease of plasma CORT level and the regulation of HPA axis function.
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