[Abstract]:Liu Wansu was a famous doctor in the Jin and Yuan dynasties and one of the four major families in the Jin and Yuan dynasties. Liu Wenzu's research on gynecology is mainly reflected in his works "Xuanming prescription of Huangdi Internal Classic" (hereinafter referred to as "Xuanming prescription") and "the set of keeping Life". The principles of diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases are put forward and more than 62 of them are listed in the book "Xuanming prescription" (hereinafter referred to as "Xuanming recipe"). Liu Wansu's research on gynecological diseases deeply reflects his thought of "main fire theory", explains the principle of diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases with the theory of "all six qi can turn fire", emphasizes the importance of liver, spleen and kidney in different stages of women, advocates that people should be adapted to the times, and also has unique views on syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and advocates that the law should not be ancient. The flexible application of Siwu decoction in the treatment of menstrual disease, belt disease and fetal disease has a profound impact on the development of gynecology with the addition and subtraction of the syndrome.
【作者单位】: 河北医科大学;河北中医学院;
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