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发布时间:2015-02-02 16:46

Chapter I Introduction

1 .1Background of the study
For Chinese students, classroom is the main and important place and junior andsenior middle school is a crucial period for the English study. Since the 1970s, withthe concern about language classroom, one of the most important aspects ofclassroom-based researches becomes the description and analysis of classroominteraction that is an important aspect being studied by western researchers such asErving Goffman, Harold Garfinkel, Harvey Sacks, Emanuel Schegloff and GailJefferson etc.The ultimate purpose of English teaching is to cultivate the students' ability ofcommunication. Teachers of English should not only teach their students' knowledgeof English itself but also communication skills and teamwork spirit. Schools shouldaim at cultivating students' quality in cooperation and communicative competence aswell as their intelligence. The interactive teaching approaches as a very importantissue in SLA can ensure students' above-mentioned development. It turns classroomlanguage learning into a social activity, creates optimum environments and offersmore learning opportunities not only for students to learn language knowledge butalso to practice using English in the classroom through the process of liveperson-to-person interaction (Elks, 1985).This is to say, interaction helps students tohave greater motivations and more positive attitudes towards English classroomteaching and learning and helps to promote language learning and languageacquisition. In a word, language classroom should be interactive.

1.2 Significance and purpose of the study
Most of the current China students study English in classrooms, and Englishlearning occurs in a series of interaction activities teachers and students. In theseinteractions, classroom questioning is the main form of classroom interaction.Teachers’ raising questions and students’ responding to them constitute the main formof communication between teachers and students, making it a major instrument forstudents communicate and practice the language. Just as Brown (2001) said: in secondlanguage classroom, learners haven’t too many tools, classroom questioning providesfor learners International platform. Nunan pointed out: in the organization ofclassroom teaching and the students' language acquisition classroom questioningplays a very important effect. If a teacher can give the students a few valuablequestions which can provide many materials to promote thought in a class, its valuemay not be lower than the teaching content itself. Many scholars think the classroomteaching is to improve the level of thinking, improve the quality of classroom teaching,so it is a must that teachers raise the question of "gold content”

Chapter II Literature review

2.1 The concepts and definitions of interactive teaching andteacher questioning
The word interaction stems from sociology. According to Arnold (1992:160),interaction refers to conditions in which one’s conduct has an effect on the other. Asfar as Brown (1994:159) is concerned, in an interaction two or more people exchangethoughts, feelings, or ideas and bring about a mutual effect on each other. H. DouglasBrown (2001:159) gives a description of interaction as follows: "In the era ofcommunicative language teaching, interaction is, in fact, the heart of communication;it is what communication is all about. According to Wilga M. Rivers (2000:4),interactive teaching refers to students who have achieved facility in using a languagewhen their attention is focused on conveying and receiving authentic messages. Every researcher stands on a different ground to express what a question refers to.The Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture (2005) defines a question asa sentence or phrase which asks for information. The Longman Dictionary ofLanguage Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2005) also gives the definition of aquestion. A question is "an utterance that is addressed to a listener/ reader and asks foran expression of fact, opinion, belief, etc". Besides these, some researchers defined aquestion in a narrow sense, for instance, in classroom teaching. Ur is one of thoseresearchers, who (2000) defined a question as "a teacher’s utterance which has theobjectives of eliciting an oral response from the learners." Cotton (1998) stated that"in the context of classroom teaching, teacher questioning is regarded as aninstrumental cues". Obviously, the form and function of a question are emphasized inthe definitions mentioned above. However, the feedback from the teacher and theinteraction between teacher and students are ignored.

2.2 Related theoretical foundations
By the end of the 1970s, when some extreme psychologist figured out that inputwas of less significance and focused on the foundation of a second language learner'sinternal mental process, Krashen brought forward a second language acquisitionmodel first acknowledged as the Monitor Model (Krashen, 1979). During the early1980s his theory was developed wider but the input hypothesis became necessary part(Krashen, 1981). "The precise developmental contribution of the language used toaddress second language learners first attracted serious attention from psycholinguistsand second language researchers in the light of the Input Hypothesis proposed byStephen Krashen" (Mitchelle&Myles,2004:165). It tended to present the process ofthe acquisition to a second language. Krashen (1982: 21) illustrated his InputHypothesis as followed: "The input hypothesis makes the following claim: anecessary (but not a sufficient) condition to move from stage i to stage i+1”is that theacquirer understand input that contains i+1. Here to understand refers to the acquirerpaying full attention not only to the sentence structure but also to the literal meaningof the informationgiven, the latter of which is treated to be of more importance. Itclaims that on the way to get well known of "i+1” it is effective to necessarily andsufficiently expose the comprehensible input to the acquirer.

Chapter III Methodology...........12
3.1 Research questions ........12
3.2 Subjects of the study .....12
3.3 Instruments of the study........12
3.4 Procedure of the research ......13
3. 5 Data analysis ........14
Chapter 4 Conclusions ......24
4.1 Major findings.......24
4.2 suggestions for teacher questioning ......24
4.2.1What to ask .....24
4.2.2 How to ask .....25
4.2.3 When to ask....26
4.2.4 Question distribution .....27
4.2.5 Wait-time........27
4.2.6 Feedback ........28
4.2.7 Questions modification..........29
4.3 Limitations ....30

Chapter III Methodology

3.1 Research questions
This study attempts to make it clear whether and how questioning skills affectthe interaction in classroom teaching. The questioning skills include question types,wait time, teachers’ feedback, questioning modification and question distributionamong students. So specifically, the research is aimed at finding out whether thesequestioning techniques have effects on the interaction in classroom teaching. The subjects of the study are teachers and students in senior two in BaogangNO.1 high middle school. The 3 teachers have different characteristics, and arecomparatively representative. T1 has been teaching for almost 30 years andexperienced in teaching. T2 has taught nearly 10 years and is very popular amongstudents and her classes are always active and interest students a lot. T3 is a youngteacher, whose teaching career just begins when school begins to practice newteaching ideas. The 100 students for the questionnaire are chosen randomly from the 3chasses.3.3 Instruments.




In the research, five aspects of questioning strategies (question distribution, waittime, teachers’ feedback, questioning modification and question distribution amongstudents) are studied. By comparing the observation results and questionnaires data, itcan be concluded that teacher questioning has influence on the classroom interaction.As far as question types is concerned, it is found that referential questions caninitiate more interaction both in terms of interaction mean 1 and interaction mean two.Besides, this kind of classes is more welcomed by students. The data analysis on thewait-time shows that students prefer their teachers give them 3-5 seconds to think andorganize their answers. It is also found that it is not the more wait time is, the moreinteraction will be, generally, a more-than-8-second minute has no contribution to theincrease of interaction. As to teachers’ feedback, students don’t like to be frequentlygiven simple positive feedbacks. They desire their teachers can give moreparticipatory and heuristic feedbacks. Among teachers’ question modifications, theleast welcomed is repeating in Chinese, with the least interaction in the secondlanguage. Exampling, simplifying and drawing analogies are the most welcome bystudents and teachers, initiating the most interaction as well. As to the questiondistribution among students, the most popular way of question direction is directingquestions to the whole class and has comparatively more interaction compared withother ways, followed by directing to volunteers and calling names randomlyaccording to the name list. All in all, there is a close relationship between classroominteraction and teachers’ questioning skills, so it is important to pay attention to thequestioning strategies when preparing and raising questions to students.
Reference (omitted)




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