1.背景和动机—Background And Motivation
因为技术的日益发展,互联网已经在许多方面发生了改变,也融入到我们的日常生活中。互联网用户迅速增长,网络技术正在迅速提高,在2008年,有14亿互联网用户,近世界人口的四分之一。这个数字预计在2102年会有超过1.9亿互联网用户,占2012年世界人口的30 %。互联网可以为客户带来很多优势,如能方便、快速、轻松地获取信息、深入搜索和比较产品。(Liudmila Bagdoniene and Zemblyte, 2009)
The dissertation is about consumer decision making of the online product in particular dividing consumer online product involvement in three groups to understand different decision making in each level of product involvement. Moreover, discuss about the affection of experiential factor before consumer decision making in different level of product involvement.
1.背景和动机— Background And Motivation
Since technology is growing up, the internet has changed many aspects and attacked our daily life. Internet users are growing quickly and the online technology are improving rapidly. There are 1.4 billion internet users nearly quarter of world population in 2008. This number is expected over 1.9 internet user or thirty percentage of world population in 2012. The internet can offer a wider range of advantages for customers such as convenience, quick, easily for information, in-depth search and comparison of product (Liudmila Bagdoniene and Zemblyte, 2009).
The internet controls our life from learning, communication, and search information to shopping and online service. Even online social commerce influences economy growth now. Online shopping becomes a new market the company wants to target. This situation attracts many traditional companies to change their company policy and start to enter the internet market; they offer the electronic commerce about product and service over the internet. According Rayport and Sviokla (1994) claimed since the internet were started to use widely, the business commercial competition changed from physical marketplace to marketspace. For the companies, the internet market breaks the time and space limit. It increases more chances to connect with customers and internet is one technique easily to enter the international and globe market. For the customers, the internet market can provide more information about products and price that can save time and money to collect information. The internet grows widely that started to change customers' behavior and strong customers' need on the special products that because some of products are not easy can find in the shops or stores. Internet provides new approaches to find and buy the products online so more customers are willing to spend more money in buying online product. The aim of many companies are changing the market strategy and be successful in the online product market; The important thing of enter the new market is that should understand the product and service which consumers' need and realize the consumer purchasing decision making behavior. The strategy of companies should follow the consumers' need that can broaden their internet market and strong online product market development.
There are many factors influence consumer behavior such as prospection of customers and internal and external influence. Those factors produce consumers' bias of consumer decision making. Consumer decision making process can understand motivation why customer purchase, where consumers receive the information, how they evaluate and choose the product, and what consumers final choose. The marketer can use this information to find best way to promote or sell products. Internet market is the developing area in the market. For consumers, internet market sales a lot of products that they can buy in the traditional market, but now many customers choose buying online product than traditional product. Even though online products are almost the same in the traditional marketing, some consumers would choose the online product. Online product includes a lot of type of products such as physical and virtual product, customers have high product involvement and low product involvement behavior when they make customers decision making. There are some emotions and behavior different in each level of involvement can not be ignored.
Product involvement means the degree of product which consumers pay attention and quantification of consumers have subjective consciousness in the product. Market decision maker can use the conception of product involvement to understand customers. For high involvement consumers, giving them more product information to compare and choose and help customers to make their decision; for the low involvement consumers, developing the strategy to arouse their attention and interest of product in the short decision time. The product involvement can explain why customers do not always make the decision by rationality and can help marketer to understand market segment, marketing strategy mix and media advertising strategy.
Product is not only the product; consumers now are attention of experience. Experience means put the experience feeling to customers when they enjoy the purchasing process. Marketer put some experience module when customers search information such as giving some taste before purchasing or having the situation connect the product that customers experience not only the product but also the happy mood. Schmitt (1999) developed the emerge marketing conception which is experiential marketing and he also mentioned marketing conception start to change from traditional marketing which view consumers as rational decision- marketers and they care about the features about functions and benefit to experiential marketing which view consumers as rational and emotional human being who are concerned with pleasurable experience. Experiential marketing focus on consumers' experience uses five different types of experience modules such as sense, feel, think, act, and relate to create experiential marketing. Consumer behavior decision would change because of friends and family, motivation, value and learning. Experience provides customers' identification of product and service and consumers are according experience to make the final decision. The internet marketing is the virtual marketing that means product value for the customers is important. More companies use some new technology to communicate with customers and give them product experience before purchasing; they want to change customer decision making to achieve aim of marketing.
Based on the background can know consumer decision making can give more information to the marketing strategy. In this study uses consumer product involvement to apply consumer behavior in internet market. Using the involvement scale measures the relationship with consumer online product involvement and variable of consumer decision making. Moreover, this study wants to clarify online product consumer decision making process and provide idea to companies develop the online product strategy.
2.研究目标和问题— Research Objective And Questions
According research background and motivation, this study uses product involvement theory to understand customer in different product involvement and the different consumer decision making process of each product involvement group; and further, describe and analyze consumer purchasing process in different online product involvement. Moreover, using the module to discuss consumer behavior would be influence by experience. Those analyses would provide companies the way of online product marketing strategy. According the above research objective will be achieved by following research questions:
1. To discuss consumer purchase decision of online product.
2. To discuss consumer in different product involvement
3. To discuss the features of consumer purchasing decision process in different online product involvement.
4. To discuss pre-purchase experiential approach in different online product involvement.
3.研究总结— Research Contribution
Since this research explore online product consumer decision making that include the motivation, information research, evaluation of alternative and purchase behavior in different consumer product involvement. It is expect the conclusion and outcome would give the enterprises strategy idea to develop online products. Moreover, using the different purchasing decision making of product involvement segments customers and give each segment specific strategy to improve online product market. Furthermore, the research also expects to give the enterprise the idea about experiential marketing can use in internet market and hope to add experiential marketing strategy in online product can operate the internet market more successful and effective. Finally, the research expects that will give the more researcher motivation to further investigate this area in the future.
4.研究结构— Research Structure
1. 第一章:介绍—Chapter one: Introduction
In this chapter are introduced research motivation and background to understand the background of this topic and based on the background to decide the motivation, following is the research object to ensure the aim which should be researched. Moreover, research contribution is indicated that describe contribution of this research in the market or future research.
2.第二章节:文献综述— Chapter two: Literature Review
This chapter is literature review that conducts a detail review of literature. First review internet market based on the online product. In addition, there will be a wide range literature review on consumer behavior and in-depth review the consumer decision making process. Moreover, involvement will be reviewed in this chapter that includes product involvement, involvement of consumer decision making, and involvement measurement. Beside, this reviews experiential marketing to understand the strategic experiential modules (SEMs) and experience providers (ExPros).
3.第三章节:方法论— Chapter three: Methodology
This chapter is methodology explain how to choose the method in this topic and why the specific method is chosen. In this chapter is base on the research onion. In this stage presents and explains the research method, research techniques, research process, and research hypotheses. This research use the quantitative method and questionnaire to collect data, the chapter also explain the sample and questionnaire design.
4. 第四章节:研究分析和研究发现—Chapter four: Research Analysis and Research Finding
This chapter discusses research analysis and finding. In this section analyze the data collection from the questionnaire and use the different analytic methods to describe the data. After analysis, using information generalizes and presents research finding.
5.第五章节:研究总结— Chapter five: Research Conclusion
Last chapter includes outcome and discussion of research object and questions. In this section should conclude this research and highlight the key finding, limitations of this research and provides future research direction.
RAYPORT, J. F. and SIVOKLA, J. J. (1994) Managing in the marketspace. Harvard Business Review, 141-150.
SCHMITT, B. (1999) Experiential Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 53-67.