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  本文关键词:英国公开调查制度研究 出处:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 英国 公开调查 授权调查范围 2005年《调查法》

【摘要】:英国公开调查制度的历史悠久,发展至令仍然存在诸多争议。但当英国发生了影响广泛并引发公众关注的事件或公众对政府产生信任危机后,英国政府就会组织开展公开调查,以便查明事实真相。公开调查制度对平息公众关注、恢复公众对政府的信心,改进政府政策缺陷和工作中的不足等主面都发挥着举足轻重的作用。目前我国国内对英国公开调查制度的研究较少,本文对该制度的发展、功能及程序等方面进行了系统介绍,期望对国内类似制度的建设有所助益。 本文通过研究英国公开调查制度相关材料和对英国一些著名的公开调查的研究分析和分析英国一些著名的公开调查事件的基础上,,展开对英国调查制度的全面了解。论文分为七个部分。 第一部分主要介绍了英国公开调查制度的发展过程,按历史的脉络,逐一介绍早期的调查任务,1921年《裁判所调查(证据)法》至2005年《调查法》的立法演变,并剖析了2005年《调查法》通过时所产生的一些争议。 第二部分从公开调查的适用范围出发,分析论证了公开调查的六大功能:确定事实;汲取教训;调和公众情绪;重建社会信心;归责、谴责及惩罚和政治考量。通过将公开调查制度与起诉、验尸、议会委员会等其他制度进行了比较分析,对每个制度适用条件及优缺点的分析,得出了公开调查制度的不足,即费用支出巨大、保密需要对公开程序的限制等。并在前文论述的基础上明确了引发建立公开调查的主要因素。 第三部分至第七部分主要介绍了依据2005年《调查法》建立的公开调查程序。第三部分介绍了公开调查制度的启用程序,重点分析了授权调查范围的重要性、如何确定授权调查范围、对修订授权调查范围有何规定、如何选定调查主席等。 第四部分主要介绍了在启用公开调查正式程序之前需作出的事务性计划,主要包括控制调查的时间跨度和经费支出,确定调查模式和建立风险评估机制等。另外,这部分还罗列了公开调查典型模式中调查小组成员的职能分工,对调查小组每个角色的职能都有详细论述。 第五部分对公开调查正式程序的审查资料、采访证人、主张公共利益豁免、强制出示证据、举行听证的环节进行了详细介绍,对公开调查拥有的强制出示证据、阻止对外公布相关信息等权力及公民或机构享有的主张公共利益豁免权和对生存、言论自由、隐私等权利的保障都有详细的论述。 第六部分介绍了公开调查的报告应当包含的内容及对发表报告的法定要求。 第七部分主要介绍了结束公开调查的方式。
[Abstract]:Britain's open investigation system has a long history and is still controversial. But when there is a widespread and public concern in the UK or a crisis of public trust in the government. The British Government will organize public inquiries in order to establish the truth. The open inquiry system will serve to calm public concern and restore public confidence in the Government. Improvement of government policy defects and shortcomings in the work of the main aspects of play a pivotal role. At present, there is less research on the British open investigation system in our country, this article on the development of the system. The functions and procedures are introduced systematically, which is expected to be helpful to the construction of similar systems in China. Based on the study of the relevant materials of the British open investigation system and the research and analysis of some famous public investigations in Britain, this paper analyzes some famous public investigation events in Britain. The thesis is divided into seven parts. The first part mainly introduces the development process of the British open investigation system, according to the historical context, introduces the early investigation task one by one. The legislative evolution of the investigation (evidence) Act from 1921 to 2005, and the analysis of some disputes arising from the passage of the investigation Act in 2005. The second part starts from the scope of application of the open investigation, analyzes and demonstrates the six functions of the open investigation: to determine the facts; Lessons learned; Reconciling public sentiment; Rebuilding social confidence; Imputation, condemnation and punishment and political considerations. By comparing the open investigation system with other systems such as prosecution, post-mortem, parliamentary committees, etc., an analysis of the applicable conditions, advantages and disadvantages of each system is made. The deficiency of the open investigation system is obtained, that is, the huge expenses, the restriction of the secrecy to the public procedure, and the main factors that lead to the establishment of the open investigation on the basis of the previous discussion. The third part to 7th part mainly introduces the open investigation procedure established according to the 2005 "investigation Law". The third part introduces the opening procedure of the open investigation system. The importance of the scope of authorized investigation, how to determine the scope of authorized investigation, how to amend the scope of authorized investigation and how to select the chairman of the investigation are analyzed emphatically. The 4th part mainly introduces the transactional plan that needs to be made before the formal procedure of open investigation is initiated, mainly including controlling the time span of investigation and the expenditure of funds. In addition, this part lists the division of functions of the members of the investigation team in the typical model of open investigation, and discusses in detail the functions of each role of the investigation team. Part 5th introduces in detail the examination materials of the formal procedure of public investigation, the interview of witnesses, the advocacy of public interest exemption, the compulsory presentation of evidence and the holding of hearings. The compulsory production of evidence for public investigations prevents the publication of relevant information and the rights enjoyed by citizens or institutions in favour of public interest immunity and freedom of expression for survival. The protection of privacy and other rights are discussed in detail. Section 6th describes the content of the report of the public investigation and the statutory requirements for the publication of the report. Part 7th mainly introduces the way to close the open investigation.


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