发布时间:2018-01-18 08:02
本文关键词:论中国政府主导型法律现代化 出处:《北方工业大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:当前,法律现代化理论已经发展成为解说中国法律变迁的应用最广和相对成熟的理论工具。“民众主导型”和“政府主导型”法律现代化模式的划分,其核心是要解决法律现代化由哪一部分力量主导的问题,所关注的是民众与政府在法律现代化中的作用、地位及其相互关系。西方法律现代化是其社会内部自生自发因素逐渐孕育成熟的结果,具有自发性、渐进性和自下而上性。与之不同,“政府主导型”法治道路是指一国的法律现代化运动是在政府的推动下启动和推进的,法治目标主要是在政府的目标指导下设计形成的,是自上而下人为建构的,法治化进程及其目标任务主要是借助和利用政府所掌握的本土政治资源完成的。政府主导型法治中,政府的主导作用、社会精英的引导作用明显,采用法律借鉴移植的方式,法律的工具性价值凸显。 自清末变法修律始,中国的法律现代化植根于中国社会的特点,伴随着整个民族救亡图存的社会运动,社会实践和百年来富国强兵的梦想。必须承认,这一宏大的法律现代化工程不可能一蹴而就。因此,中国的法律变革实践面临着时间上的紧迫性,它以实现社会政治稳定前提下的经济赶超为核心价值,法律移植型的变法方式更容易引发矛盾。 本文认为,政府主导型法律现代化存在诸多优势,并且在中国的法治建设过程中已取得显而易见的成果。但它所暗含的政府权力扩张与现代法治所追求的权力限制之间的矛盾,民众对政府的依赖与市民社会独立之间的矛盾,移植西方法律制度与适应中国国情之间的矛盾为现代化建设提出巨大考验。针对这些问题,笔者认为在当前和今后的变法实践中,在树立政治权威的同时,应强化政府责仟,充分关注市民社会的意义与作用;国家在移植、借鉴西方法律制度、技术进行制定法的同时,应深刻把握中国法治的复杂性、艰巨性、特殊性以及与此相伴的长期性,使移植来的西方法真正地融入中国本土,以有效的沟通和互动机制缓解或化解制定法与民间非正式制度之间的分歧,在政治国家与市民社会之间建立良好的互动关系,共同推动中国法律的现代化。
[Abstract]:At present , the theory of legal modernization has been developed into the most widely used and relatively mature theoretical tools for the interpretation of China ' s legal changes . The core is to solve the problem of which part of the power is dominated by the modernization of the law . The legal modernization of China is rooted in the characteristics of Chinese society from the beginning of the late Qing Dynasty and the law modernization of China is rooted in the social movement of the whole nation , social practice and the dream of the rich national army in the past hundred years . It must be recognized that this great legal modernization project cannot be achieved overnight . Therefore , the practice of legal reform in China is facing the urgency of time . Therefore , it is more likely to cause conflict in the way of realizing the economic drive under the precondition of social political stability as the core value and the law transplant type . This paper holds that the government - oriented legal modernization has many advantages , and has made clear results in the course of the construction of the rule of law in China . However , the contradiction between the government ' s power expansion and the restriction of the modern rule of law , the contradiction between the people ' s dependence on the government and the self - independence of the civil society , the contradiction between the transplant of the western legal system and the adaptation to China ' s national conditions , should be strengthened . At the same time , the author believes that in the current and future transformation practice , we should strengthen the responsibility of the government and pay close attention to the civil society ' s meaning and function .
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