本文关键词: 配套立法 制定主体 法律体系 出处:《上海交通大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:There are 182 pieces of supporting legislation in the current laws of our country, 641 supporting clauses and 664 supporting documents require corresponding subjects to carry on matching. This paper analyzes the status quo of supporting legislative subjects from three angles: different legislative subjects, different branch law categories and different NPC sessions, and draws the conclusion that the mother law of supporting legislative subjects is unreasonable to the setting of supporting legislative subjects. The actual supporting subject is not consistent with the legal supporting subject, and some of the supporting documents are low. The legislative idea of the mother law maker is rigid, and the legislative technology lags behind. The main reason is that the main body of supporting legislation pays less attention to the formulation of supporting documents and there are conflicts of interests, and the lack of corresponding supervision and restriction mechanism is the main reason. We should start from improving and perfecting the relevant system. We should strengthen the legislative and supervisory ability of the people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees, clarify the administrative powers of the administrative and legislative organs, increase the legislative enthusiasm of the subjects making supporting documents, and finally resolve the crux of supporting legislation.
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