本文关键词: 司法解释 法源 实践 出处:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The law has a certain lag in relation to the frequently changing social life. In addition, the legal provisions are a general and abstract stipulation that sums up and sums up the complex social phenomena. The judicial interpretation of the law becomes an inevitable step in the application of the law. It establishes the legal source status of the judicial interpretation in the law, and promotes the judicial interpretation to be applied better, thus further clarifying the meaning of the law. In fact, the legislative law has established the subjective status of the Supreme people's Court for judicial interpretation, defined the scope of judicial interpretation, and recognized that judicial interpretation has universal legal effect. It is proved that the legal source status of judicial interpretation has legitimacy. After the generally accepted judicial interpretation of the society, through the statutory formulation procedure, and under the restrictions of the relevant legal provisions, the law is uniformly applied, so, In practice, judicial interpretation can interpret the law, overcome the defects of statutory law, ensure that the law can be applied uniformly, and make up for the lack of legislation. Supplement and develop laws, create conditions for legislation, maintain social order, guarantee fairness and justice, lay the foundation for legislation. Through the test of judicial interpretation in practice, strengthen the provisions of judicial interpretation, clarify the legal status of judicial interpretation. Setting a time limit for the application of judicial interpretation, after the expiration of the time limit, transforming it into law or repealing it, thus perfecting the law, stipulating the procedure for the formulation of judicial interpretation, and establishing a supervisory mechanism with legislative power at the core, To strengthen the supervision of judicial interpretation by the standing Committee of the National people's Congress (NPC), so as to ensure that judicial interpretation is carried out well under the legal procedures and supervision.
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