本文关键词: 民间规则 地方性 经济性 传统性 民族性 简便性 立法吸纳 司法化 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:通过对中国几十年法治建设经验和教训的总结,学界逐渐认识到所谓西方先进的法律制度并非尽善尽美,建设具有中国特色的社会主义法治必须立足于中国本土的法治资源,关切中国土生土长的传统资源,中国法治建设目光应该从西方社会转移到这块神秘的东方土地。在这一时代背景下,中国法学界掀起了一场研究民间法的浪潮。 本文试图通过对民间规则特性的分析和趋向的研究,把人们的目光吸引块到那些虽生活社会在其中、但常常为我们忽略的在社会中衍生的土生土长的民问法治资源。主张中国的法治建设应该依法(国家制定法)治国前提下,充分发掘和运用中国本土法律文化资源。本文第一部分从民间规则的概念入手,笔者并没有确切的给出民间规则的定义,认为民间规则应当作为一个分析性概念使用,即它是方法论意义上一种立场和方法,而非简单的实体性概念。笔者虽然没有直接给出民间规则的准确定义而是通过对其渊源的阐述及与国家制定法的对比的方式将民间规则的内涵和外延表达出来,进而将民间规则的概念完整的呈现在读者面前。文章第二部分着重分析了民间规则的地方性、经济性、传统性、民族性和简洁性,从中剖析出民间规则中蕴含的利于法治发展的因素和不利条件。在通过对第二部分解析的基础上,本文第三部分指出了民间规则的三条命运趋向:第一,不利于中国法治建设的、愚昧的、野蛮的民间规则必须摒弃;第二,有的民间规则可以通过立法吸纳的方式直接从立法层而进入正统的国家法系统。文章着重分析了立法吸纳的价值、立法吸纳的依据和民间规则进入国家制定法系统的三条路径等几个方而;第三,一些不适于立法吸纳的民间规则,可以有条件的进入国家司法制度层面发挥应有的作用,待时机成熟或将其摒弃或将其以立法吸纳的方式引入到国家法系统中。文章着重从法官视野中的民间规则、社会需求中的民间规则、法律职业化进程中的民间规则和作为非诉讼解决纠纷机制的民间规则以及作为判例指导的民间规则五个方而分析了民家规则的司法化路径。 建设具有中国特色社会主义法治社会,借鉴西方先进法治建设经验虽然必不可少,但仅仅走“西方移植”道路是行不通的。中国特色的凸显,需要我们法律人“问道生活、取法民间”;需要我们发现并且培育中国特色的“地方性知识”;需要我们注重那些不为人所见、在社会生活中衍生出来的流淌在人们血液中的更符合中国人的思维习惯和行动方式的在生活中实际起到解决纠纷作用的规则--民间规则。
[Abstract]:By summing up the experience and lessons of the construction of the rule of law in China for several decades, the academic circles have come to realize that the so-called western advanced legal system is not perfect, and that the construction of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics must be based on the resources of the rule of law in China. Concerned about China's native traditional resources, the construction of Chinese rule of law should be shifted from the western society to this mysterious oriental land. Under the background of this era, Chinese legal circles have set off a wave of research on folk law. Through the analysis and research of the characteristics of folk rules, this paper attempts to draw people's attention to those who live in the society. However, we often ignore the fact that we are concerned about the resources of the rule of law derived from the local people in our society. We advocate that the construction of the rule of law in China should be governed by the rule of law (the law of the state) under the premise of governing the country. The first part of this paper begins with the concept of folk rules, and the author does not give the definition of folk rules, and holds that folk rules should be used as an analytical concept. That is, it is a position and method in the methodological sense, Although the author did not give the exact definition of folk rules directly, the author expressed the connotation and extension of folk rules by expounding their origins and comparing them with the national laws. Then the concept of folk rules is presented to readers. The second part of the article focuses on the analysis of the local, economic, traditional, national and concise characteristics of folk rules. This paper analyzes the factors and disadvantages of the folk rules which are beneficial to the development of the rule of law. On the basis of the analysis of the second part, the third part of this paper points out the three destiny trends of the folk rules: first, The foolish, savage folk rules that are not conducive to the construction of the rule of law in China must be abandoned; second, Some folk rules can enter the orthodox state law system directly from the legislative level through the way of legislation absorption. The basis for legislative absorption and the three paths for folk rules to enter the system of state law making; third, some folk rules that are not suitable for legislative absorption can play their due role in entering the national judicial system under conditions. When the time is ripe or to abandon it or introduce it into the system of national law by way of legislation, the article focuses on the folk rules in the view of judges, the folk rules in social needs, This paper analyzes the judicial path of the folk rules in the process of legal professionalization, the folk rules as the non-litigation dispute settlement mechanism and the folk rules as the guidance of the jurisprudence. To build a socialist society ruled by law with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to learn from the advanced experience of the construction of the rule of law in the West, but it is not feasible to simply follow the road of "Western transplantation". We need to find and cultivate "local knowledge" with Chinese characteristics, and we need to pay attention to those who are not seen by people. The folk rules, which are derived from the social life in people's blood, are more in line with the Chinese thinking habits and ways of action, which actually play a role in resolving disputes in life-folk rules.
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