本文选题:药品专利 + 强制许可 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:专利强制许可制度是专利制度中重要的组成部分。进入21世纪以来,SARS、H5N1禽流感两次大规模的强致病性传染疫情的爆发,为我国的公共卫生政策敲响了警钟。于此同时,长期以来对人类健康造成严重威胁的艾滋病、疟疾等疾病依旧肆虐。药品专利强制许可,作为保障公共健康的重要措施,越来越受到学界和政府决策部门的关注。作为世界上最大的两个发展中国家,中印两国不仅在历史文化渊源上有着很多的相似之处。在今日两国大力发展经济的同时,还同样都面临的严峻的国内公共健康挑战。 本文首先对于药品专利强制许可制度的概念进行界定。明确了药品专利强制许可的概念及其特征,并对药品专利强制许可与传统的专利强制许可进行了比较分析。在此基础之上围绕专利强制许可制度的起源与发展,结合相关条约的规定以及法理学基础,对于药品专利强制许可的进行一个较为全面的分析。 第二部分,,对于印度专利制度中药品专利强制许可制度的发展及其沿革进行梳理,并重点针对印度专利法中有关药品专利强制许可的法律条款进行分析。在此基础之上,重点分析德国拜耳公司的专利药品“索拉非尼”在印度的强制许可一案,还原该案件的基本轮廓,并针该案件双方当事人争议的焦点进行评析。 第三部分,回顾我国在加入世界贸易组织之后,药品专利制度的发展与变革,并对新颁布实施的《专利强制许可实施办法》进行解读,并对中印两国药品专利强制许可制度中的差异进行比较。 最后,在借鉴印度药品专利强制许可制度的基础之上,对于当前我国药品专利强制许可制度中存在的问题进行阐述,并相应的提出解决方案,以期能对我国药品专利强制许可制度的完善提供一定的借鉴。 由于我国至今尚未真正实施过针对药品专利的强制许可,并且中印两国在国情方面特别是在面临公共卫生领域的问题具有很多相类似之处,这就使得本文具有很大的实际意义。
[Abstract]:Compulsory patent licensing system is an important part of patent system.Since the beginning of the 21st century, two large-scale outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) have been reported, which have sounded the alarm for the public health policy of our country.At the same time, AIDS, malaria and other diseases, which have long posed a serious threat to human health, are still rampant.As an important measure to protect public health, compulsory licensing of drug patents has attracted more and more attention from academic circles and government policy-making departments.As the two largest developing countries in the world, China and India not only have many similarities in historical and cultural origin.Today, the two countries are vigorously developing their economies, but also facing serious domestic public health challenges.This paper first defines the concept of compulsory licensing system for drug patents.This paper clarifies the concept and characteristics of drug patent compulsory license, and makes a comparative analysis of drug patent compulsory license and traditional patent compulsory license.On this basis, the origin and development of compulsory patent licensing system, combined with the provisions of relevant treaties and the basis of jurisprudence, a more comprehensive analysis of compulsory licensing of drug patents.The second part combs the development and evolution of the compulsory licensing system of drug patents in the patent system of India, and focuses on the analysis of the legal provisions of compulsory licensing of drug patents in the patent law of India.On this basis, the paper analyzes the case of compulsory license of Solafenib, a patent drug of Bayer Company of Germany, in India, restores the basic outline of the case, and points out the focus of the dispute between the two parties in the case.The third part reviews the development and reform of the drug patent system after China's entry into WTO, and interprets the new implementation of compulsory Patent Licensing.And the differences between China and India in the compulsory licensing system of drug patents are compared.Finally, on the basis of drawing lessons from the compulsory licensing system of drug patents in India, this paper expounds the problems existing in the current compulsory licensing system of drug patents in China, and puts forward corresponding solutions.In order to provide some reference for the improvement of the compulsory licensing system of drug patents in China.Since China has not really implemented the compulsory licensing of drug patents, and China and India in the national conditions, especially in the field of public health problems have a lot of similarities, which makes this paper has a great practical significance.
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