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发布时间:2018-04-17 01:31

  本文选题:汉唐之间 + 依附民 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:汉唐之间(约一至七世纪),由于政治、经济、军事、文化等各方面的原因,社会上出现了人身依附关系不断加强的发展趋势,致使依附民群体人数逐渐增多并形成、发展为一个相对独立的群体。日趋成体系的依附民阶层,由于自身身份的复杂性,而呈现出一种半依附、半独立的混合状态;同时,这种状态也直接影响了其社会生活地位的确立和发展。由于依附民阶层日益壮大,国家数次颁布法令来规制和调整其身份地位。但文本上的法令总是和实际中的法律实施有所差异,现实总是存在地方甚至中央在个别案件中对依附民问题做出或多或少的变通,而这种变通却往往是当时社会的常态,是当时社会心态的反应。正是基于以上认识,本文主要从依附民身份地位,尤其是国家律令和现实生活对比的角度进行研究,探索其在这风云际会的历史时期的特殊形态及发展演变。 文章主要包括绪论、正文和结语三个部分: 绪论部分主要包括三方面的内容。首先,回顾中外学界对依附民问题的研究现状及主要成果;其次,简述本文的研究思路和写作框架;最后,此部分对本文将涉及的相关基本概念和研究范围予以界定,如依附民的概念、类型和相关年代。 正文部分主要分为三部分内容。 第一部分,主要介绍汉唐之间依附民阶层产生的原因、形成方式以及后期的发展变化。通过以上内容的阐述,意图从总体上展现汉唐之间各政权对依附民身份地位的法律规制。 第二、三部分,分别阐述私属依附民和官属依附民各自的身份地位,意图从社会政治、民事经济以及刑事司法等生活方面展现其具体的权利、义务。此部分不是单纯地从静态角度对制度加以介绍,而是通过对不同时期社会状况的分析,呈现各时代相关法律制度的变革和社会变通过程。此外,本部分并没有对当时依附民的身份地位加以面面俱到的分析,而仅选择其具有特色的方面加以阐述。 文章的结语部分主要通过对官属依附民和私属依附民身份地位的总结,形成对汉唐之间依附民阶层的整体认识,并由此阐发一些思考。
[Abstract]:During the Han and Tang dynasties (about the first to seventh centuries), due to political, economic, military, cultural and other reasons, there was a growing trend of personal attachment in society, resulting in the gradual increase and formation of the dependent population.Develop into a relatively independent group.Because of the complexity of their identity, the increasingly systematical dependent class presents a mixed state of semi-dependent and semi-independent, which directly affects the establishment and development of their social status.Because of the growing social class, the state issued several decrees to regulate and adjust its status.However, the laws and regulations in the text are always different from the actual implementation of the law. In reality, there are always local and even central authorities making more or less modifications to the issue of dependence on the people in individual cases, which are often the norm of the society at that time.It was the reaction of the social mentality at that time.Based on the above understanding, this paper mainly from the point of view of the status of dependent people, especially the national laws and regulations and the contrast of real life, to explore its special form and development in this historical period.The article mainly includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion:The introduction mainly includes three aspects.First of all, review the current situation and main achievements of the research on the issue of dependent people in Chinese and foreign academic circles; secondly, briefly describe the research ideas and writing framework of this paper; finally, this part defines the basic concepts and the scope of the research involved in this paper.Such as the concept of dependent people, types and relevant age.The main body part is divided into three parts.The first part mainly introduces the reason, the formation mode and the later development of the dependency stratum between Han and Tang dynasties.Through the elaboration of the above contents, the intention is to show the legal regulation of the status of the dependent people between the Han and Tang dynasties.The second part, the third part, respectively elaborates the private dependent people and the official dependent people's respective identity status, the intention from the social politics, the civil economy as well as the criminal justice and so on life aspect displays its concrete rights, the duty.This part does not simply introduce the system from a static point of view, but through the analysis of the social situation in different periods, it presents the reform and the process of social adaptation of the relevant legal system of each era.In addition, this part does not analyze the identity status of the dependent people at that time, but only chooses its characteristic aspects to be elaborated.The conclusion of the article is mainly through the summary of the status of the official dependent people and the private dependent people, forming the overall understanding of the dependent people stratum between Han and Tang dynasties, and then expounding some thoughts.


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