本文选题:俄罗斯 + 俄罗斯联邦刑法典 ; 参考:《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》2014年03期
[Abstract]:The current Russian criminal law inherits the afterwave of the Soviet criminal law and reproduces the innovation of the law reform after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.Among them, the reform of labor legislation with the Russian criminal law changes and continue to improve.As a kind of penalty, reform through labor, from the germination of Soviet period to the establishment of Soviet criminal code in 1922, to the promulgation of Russian criminal code in 1996, shows the reform characteristics of protecting society and safeguarding human rights.Russia's penal reform through labor has undergone a long and fierce legislative test and is still prosperous.According to the provisions of the Russian criminal law, reform-through-labour is the penalty method by which a sentenced person who is not deprived of his liberty by a court of law is forced to work on the spot and handed over to the State part of the proceeds of labour.It is different from the reeducation through labor that has been abolished in our country.Labor reform does not deprive people of their liberty, but labor and economic rights are restricted.As an independent punishment of the main application of labor reform, is not an additional punishment.Reform through labour can only be carried out for those who have the ability to work.Against labor reform, malicious violations of the personnel to be severely punished.Russia's legislative system on reform through labour is relatively perfect. In addition to the programmatic guidance of the Constitution, as far as the basic law is concerned, there are already substantive provisions in the Russian Criminal Code concerning the reform of labour.In addition, there are a series of administrative rules, regulations, orders and so on.The course of its development and its distinctive legislative features undoubtedly provide a useful reference for the construction of penalty in our country.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学法学院;
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