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发布时间:2018-05-07 02:46

  本文选题:立法 + 立法技术 ; 参考:《南开大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:一部法律制定出来之后,其终极目标的实现仍是要靠法律的施行,没有法律的具体实施,法律形同虚设,其目的难以实现。如让法律得以全面实施,自然需要有具体的实施主体,特别是法律的执行主体,在法律实施过程中发挥着重要作用,对一部法律的主要实施主体,我国立法中称谓不尽相同,本文采用使用频率较高的说法,即管理部门。对于一部法律究竟由哪个主体来负责具体实施,我国的法律一般会有专门规定管理部门的条款,即管理部门条款。 并非所有法律中都会设置管理部门条款,一般涉及行政管理方面的法律会单设条款规定管理部门,即便设有管理部门条款的法律,对该条款的规定也无一定格式。法律规定的不明确导致部门之间职能交叉与管理空白等现象的发生极其普遍,自然会导致承担责任时相互推诿、有利益时相互争抢的恶性循环。当前,我国在立法的规范化方面,尚处于比较落后的状态。一是法律起草规范方面尚无专门规定,只在行政法规、地方性法规和规章的起草规范方面,有比较原则性的规定以及很少的具体性规定。而对法律文本的具体而全面的表述规范,则尚未作出规定。二是法案起草实践、法律规范性文件的文本存在许多不统一、不一致的情况。三是立法的规范化具体研究成果较少,使得立法实践缺少必要的理论指导。所以说,管理部门条款的制定作为法律起草中的一个重要方面,其立法技术的规范化研究就显得尤为重要与迫切。 本文从我国管理部门条款设置基本情况出发,通过对现行211部法律分析统计,得出管理部门条款在何种法律中予以设置、设置在什么位置、管理部门采用什么称谓、划分多少层级、权责范围如何以及管理部门条款都有怎么样的表述模式等规律性分析,然后根据管理部门条款设置目的、功能、作用等进行价值定位,并以价值定位来衡量我国的管理部门条款设置的优劣,总结出存在的问题和缺陷,并最终针对这些问题与缺陷提出优化建议与措施,以期能够为我国立法工作更顺利地进行、立法技术的完善、立法质量的提高以及该项立法的实施效果与立法之初所设计的价值目标相符合贡献微薄之力。
[Abstract]:After a law is formulated, its ultimate goal is still to rely on the implementation of law, without the specific implementation of the law, the law is void, its purpose is difficult to achieve. If the law can be implemented in an all-round way, it is natural to have a specific subject of enforcement, especially the subject of law enforcement, which plays an important role in the process of law enforcement. The title of the main implementing subject of a law is not the same in our country's legislation. In this paper, the use of the high frequency of the term, that is, management. As to which subject is responsible for the specific implementation of a law, the law of our country generally has the specific provisions of the management department, that is, the provisions of the management department. Not all laws have a regulatory provision. Generally, a law dealing with administration provides a separate provision for the management, and even if there is a regulatory provision, there is no form of regulation of the provision. The ambiguity of legal provisions leads to the occurrence of overlapping functions and management gaps between departments, which naturally leads to the vicious circle of shirking responsibility and competing with each other when there are interests. At present, our country in legislation standardization, still in relatively backward state. The first is that there are no special provisions in the drafting of laws and regulations, only in the drafting of administrative regulations, local laws and regulations, there are relatively principled provisions and few specific provisions. However, the specific and comprehensive specification of the legal text has not yet been stipulated. Second, the practice of drafting the bill, the text of the legal normative document there are many inconsistent, inconsistent situation. The third is the lack of concrete research results of legislation standardization, which makes the legislative practice lack of necessary theoretical guidance. Therefore, as an important aspect of the drafting of laws, the standardization of the legislative technology is particularly important and urgent. Starting from the basic situation of the terms set up by the management departments in our country, through the analysis and statistics of 211 laws in force, this paper draws a conclusion as to which laws the terms of the management departments should be set up, where to set them, what terms to be adopted by the management departments. How many levels are divided, what is the scope of authority and responsibility, and how the terms of the management department are expressed, and so on? then according to the terms of the management department, the purpose, function, role, etc., are set up for value orientation. And the value orientation to measure the advantages and disadvantages of the provisions of the management department, summed up the existing problems and defects, and finally put forward the optimization of these problems and defects and measures, in order to be able to work for our country's legislative work more smoothly. The perfection of legislation technology, the improvement of legislative quality and the effect of the legislation accord with the value goal designed at the beginning of legislation.


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