本文选题:法律程序 + 价值 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:法律程序作为一种按照法定的方式、顺序和步骤形成实体法律决定的过程,究竟应将什么作为其价值目标?自上世纪60年代以来随着美国联邦最高法院领导的“正当法律程序革命”的深入开展,英美学者开始对传统的“自然正义”和“正当法律程序”这两项程序原则的性质和意义进行反思,有关法律程序价值问题的研究逐渐引起人们的重视,先后形成了程序工具主义、程序本位主义、经济效益主义等三种主要程序价值理论类型。工具主义程序价值标准要求一项法律程序应当产生好的结果效能,本位主义程序价值标准要求一项好的法律程序必须满足其内在的基本的德性,经济效益主义程序价值标准则要求一项好的法律程序应以最少的资源耗费实现最大的社会经济效益。 随着程序法治的发展,人们对法律程序所应追求的价值目标提出了更高的要求,各程序价值理论也出现了走向综合的趋势。本文在对程序工具主义、程序本位主义、经济效益主义三大程序价值类型化理论产生的社会历史文化背景、法哲学理论基础、主要价值内容、社会历史贡献及其存在的缺陷进行深入的探讨和研究的基础上,对传统中国程序价值观缺失的历史背景、表现及其成因进行阐述和分析。针对转型时期的中国法律程序价值观的树立提出构建法律程序工具性价值与本位性价值并重的思考和建议。一项良好的、得到人民普遍接受的法律程序,不应仅仅是实现某种外在目标的工具,而应同时具备内在的德性,如中立、参与、平等、人道、尊严等,并且应尽可能减少程序运行中的成本支出。
[Abstract]:Legal procedure as a legal way, sequence and steps to form a substantive legal decision process, what should be regarded as its value goal? Since the 1960s, with the deepening of the "due process revolution" led by the United States Federal Supreme Court, British and American scholars began to reflect on the nature and significance of the traditional principles of "natural justice" and "due process of law". Three main procedural value theory types have been formed: procedural instrumentalism, procedural orientation and economic benefit doctrine. The value standard of instrumentalism procedure requires that a legal procedure should produce good result effectiveness, while the value standard of the ontological procedure requires that a good legal procedure must satisfy its inherent basic virtue. The value standard of economic benefit procedure requires a good legal procedure to realize the greatest social and economic benefit with the least resource consumption. With the development of the procedural rule of law, people have put forward higher requirements for the value goal that legal procedure should pursue, and the value theory of each procedure has also appeared the trend of synthesis. In this paper, the social, historical and cultural background, the theoretical basis of legal philosophy, the main value content of the three kinds of procedural value theory, namely program instrumentalism, procedural orientation and economic benefit, are discussed. On the basis of deep discussion and research on the contribution of social history and its defects, this paper expounds and analyzes the historical background, performance and causes of the absence of traditional Chinese procedural values. In view of the establishment of the value of legal procedure in China in the transitional period, the author puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on the construction of the instrumental value and the standard value of the legal procedure. A good, universally accepted legal process should not be merely an instrument for achieving certain external goals, but should be accompanied by inherent virtues such as neutrality, participation, equality, humanity, dignity, etc., And should reduce the cost of running the program as much as possible.
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