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发布时间:2018-06-07 14:59

  本文选题:法家 + 法治思想 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究中国文化与法治,首先要面对的,是学界常常议论的一个话题:“中国古代有没有法治思想?”本文认为,在中国古代法家就有法治思想,法家相关法治思想内容丰富,结构体系比较完整,今天看来,法家相关法治思想之于我国当前建设法治国家和完善社会主义法治建设仍有相当的价值,但我们也要看到法家的法治思想也有一些与我们现代社会法治建设不相协调的消极方面。我们要理性审视,“取其精华,去其糟粕”,在时代的发展中不断超越传统,为我所用。本文共分为以下五个部分: 第一部分主要对先秦法家进行了一个简单的界定,明确了法家的代表人物和主要思想,并简要分析了,儒、墨、道家等学派的思想缺陷与法家兴起的关联。 第二部分介绍了法家的主要的法治思想,分为积极和消极两个方面。积极方面如法家的平等观,历史观等,维护国家统一,反对权贵等。消极方面如极端的重刑政策,愚民政策等。 第三部分介绍了中国改革开放30多年来法治建设取得的成就和面临的困境。该部分从法治理念,立法,司法,法治教育等多方面展开,揭示了中国法治建设的现状。 第四部分介绍了法家法治思想的积极方面对于社会主义法治建设的借鉴意义。 第五部分提出了克服法家法治思想消极影响的对策。
[Abstract]:To study Chinese culture and the rule of law, the first thing to face is a topic often discussed by scholars: "is there any thought of rule of law in ancient China?" This paper holds that in ancient China, legalists had the idea of rule by law. The legalists' related thoughts on the rule of law are rich in content and relatively complete in structure. The legalists' thoughts on the rule of law are still of great value to the construction of our country under the rule of law and the perfection of the socialist construction of the rule of law. However, we should also see that there are some negative aspects of the legalists' thought of rule of law which are not in harmony with the construction of the rule of law in our modern society. We should rationally examine, "take its essence, discard its dross", in the development of the times continue to transcend tradition for our own use. This paper is divided into the following five parts: The first part mainly gives a simple definition of the Legalism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, clarifies the representative figures and main ideas of the Legalists, and briefly analyzes the relationship between the ideological defects of Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and the rise of Legalists. The second part introduces the main legal thoughts of Legalists, which can be divided into two aspects: positive and negative. Positive aspects such as legalists' view of equality and history, safeguarding national unity and opposing power and power. Negative aspects such as extreme heavy punishment policy, Fool policy, etc. The third part introduces the achievements and difficulties in the construction of rule of law in China's reform and opening up for more than 30 years. This part starts from the concept of rule of law, legislation, judicature, education of rule of law, and reveals the present situation of the construction of rule of law in China. The fourth part introduces the positive aspects of the legalists' legal thought for the construction of socialist rule of law. The fifth part puts forward the countermeasures to overcome the negative influence of legalists' thought of ruling by law.


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