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“深化司法体制改革 创新执行机制模式”高端论坛征文启事

发布时间:2018-07-03 08:21

  本文选题:司法体制改革 + 机制模式 ; 参考:《法律适用》2017年19期

[Abstract]:The fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly proposed to improve the judicial system, promote the implementation of the system reform of the separation of judicial and executive powers, and effectively solve the problem of difficult implementation. Supreme people's Court President Zhou Qiang stressed that two to three years to solve the implementation of the problem. Therefore, courts at all levels persist in innovative thinking, actively carry out exploration, accumulate many successful experiences, and improve the quality and effectiveness of execution work. In order to guide the vast body of law, legal workers will conduct in-depth discussions on the theory and practice of implementing the reform of the system and mechanism, and provide theoretical and intellectual support for central decision-making. The Forum Organizing Committee, jointly with the relevant departments and the magazine, plans to hold a high-level forum on "deepening the Reform of the Judicial system and innovating the Executive Mechanism" in Shandong Province in early December 2017. The matters are described below:
【作者单位】: 论坛组委会;


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