[Abstract]:After studying the historical changes of traditional sovereignty, discipline power and life power, Foucault implicitly put forward a unique view of life politics and law, which is manifested in the modern society dominated by life power. The law no longer simply adjusts "human behavior", but discipline "human life"; the law no longer simply makes a dualistic division of "human behavior" which is lawful or illegal, which can be or cannot be done, It is to put people in social life and to govern by norms that are born in society; that the law no longer relies more on coercion, but more on the freedom of individuals and social organizations to operate; that the law no longer pays much attention to individual behaviour, It is necessary to guide the individual and integrate his life management into the whole social governance in order to realize the diversified political purpose of life. In this process of governance, due to the limited rationality of legislators, law enforcers and judiciaries, the operation of the law depends more on the collection, statistics and analysis of all kinds of knowledge, information and archives concerning life. Formed the law and knowledge cooperation and even collusion phenomenon. In addition, the operation of law also follows the economic logic of cost and benefit, thus making the law of life politics have the result orientation of maximizing benefit. This nearly revolutionary view of law was misread by some scholars because Foucault used the word "law" in a variety of senses, resulting in the so-called Foucault's theory of "expelling law" from the modern society, resulting in some academic biases.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;
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