[Abstract]:As the basic law of regulating market competition, antitrust law or antitrust law, competition law has the title "Magna Carta of Free Enterprise" and "Economic Constitution" in western mature market economy countries. It can be seen that its significance for the market economy system and the importance in the entire legal system. 1890 "Sherman Law" has a very important significance. This law is not only an important symbol of the emergence of modern economic law in the eyes of many scholars, but also the common "ancestor" of more than 100 competition or anti-monopoly laws in the world. Up to now, it is still a competition law with the most rigorous system, the most abundant enforcement experience and the most developed theory. Its 120-year development course has provided the extremely rich and precious competition legal system experience for other countries or regions. Take history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall. The research on the historical experience of other countries' legal system is also helpful to thinking about their own problems. Especially in the economic field of legal policy, because ideology is less involved, there will be more to learn. Therefore, the summary of the historical experience of the United States Federal Antitrust Law not only has important theoretical value, but also has direct and important application value to the perfection and practice of our country's Antitrust Law. The emergence of the United States Federal Antitrust Law has a profound historical background, closely related to its era and the political and legal traditions of the United States. After the introduction of the Sherman Act in 1890, it was based on dissatisfaction with its implementation. There was the Clayton Act of 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act. These three pieces of legislation laid down the basic framework of federal antitrust law, and since then the leading role in the evolution of the system has become the federal court, especially the Supreme Court. In its century-old history, various systems and theories which are generally adopted in the competition law of various countries have been gradually developed, and accompanied by the political, economic and social changes and the development of theory, there have been periodic changes in leniency and strictness. In its historical evolution, the federal antitrust law gradually formed a unique position in American society, including the concept of analogy with the Constitution, has been in the core of national economic policy. And the popular recognition of American society embodied in the developed competitive culture. In its historical development, the economic circles also gradually participated from indifference at the beginning. The development of economics today has gained a central position generally recognized by federal law enforcement agencies and scholars in the United States, providing strong support for the better application of the Federal Antitrust Act, which has a good enforcement mechanism. With a strong federal law enforcement agency, a unique triple damages and private enforcement system, federal courts have also shaped the law with flexible criteria. The above characteristics of the United States Federal Antitrust Act, or experience, have a great impact on other countries or regions, providing valuable institutional and theoretical experience for all latecomers, and the importance of competition policy in national economic policy. The emphasis on efficiency, the introduction of economic ideas and tools, the creation and application of private execution and a large number of other implementation methods have a worldwide impact. China's Anti-monopoly Law has been legislated and implemented for reference, and more attention should be paid to the historical experience of the United States Federal Antitrust Law in the future.
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