[Abstract]:Benjamin Gunstang occupies an important position in the genealogy of western liberalism. His liberalism directly inherits the tradition of Locke and Montesquieu, and has a strong British style of liberalism. The ideological characteristics of Gunstang are different from the traditional rationalism in France, but reflect a prudent empiricism tendency, which is related to the background of the era in which Gunstang lives. The French Revolution which broke out at the end of the eighteenth century was a great event which had a profound influence on the progress of human political civilization. The social effect of the revolution accompanied by the whole life of Gunzdang caused his profound reflection on the revolution. The failure experience of the Great Revolution has proved that the construction of rationality is incompetent in coping with the collapse of political tradition and reconstructing the political model. Instead of realistically establishing rational order, Utopianism in politics has caused a tragic disaster in political society. Therefore, he realized that the study of political affairs can no longer take the path of abstract rationalism, but should look for the basis of the system from reality and tradition. The formation of Gunstein's liberalism thought had a certain connection with his profound reflection on the history of French society. He believed that the Great Revolution had achieved victory in destroying the old system and had promoted the progress of human political civilization. However, the revolution went against the original intention of freedom in the course of its subsequent development, and a vigorous revolution aimed at the establishment of a free order turned to the opposite side of freedom. Gunstang believed that the enlightenment thinkers led by Rousseau provided theoretical guidance for the political construction in the revolutionary period, and therefore should be responsible for the "tyranny of the majority" that appeared in the revolution. In his view, Rousseau's thought exposed the deep theoretical crisis behind the Great Revolution, and Rousseau's political model became the chief culprit for trampling on human rights and infringing on freedom during the revolution, so Gunstom criticized Rousseau's theory of people's sovereignty. In addition, Gunstein realized that the danger of Rousseau's thought lies not only in the political system, but also in the philosophical level. Rousseau's thought and his revolutionary practice failed to realize the difference between "freedom of ancient people" and "freedom of modern man", and failed to define the connotation of freedom in modern sense. Freedom, on the contrary, has caused a mismatch of the times here. Therefore, Gunstein thinks it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the two kinds of freedom, and thus puts forward the modern concept of freedom, and reveals the real freedom that the individual should enjoy in the modern society. Finally, Gunstein had to face the question of what kind of political system could be established to effectively protect the freedom of modern people. Gunstein found the answer from the representative system which originated in the Middle Ages and was used in England at that time. He thought that the representative system was the best way to protect the freedom of modern people because it adapted to the development of the times and had the advantage of restraining the arbitrary power.
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