[Abstract]:The civil cohabitation contract is a special law promulgated by the French government to solve a series of difficult social problems. But it has been controversial for 12 years since its implementation in 1999. During this period, France has accumulated some experience, but also faces a series of challenges. Why so much attention is paid to the law because it is a legally protected cohabitation agreement that not only provides convenience for heterosexual couples, but also opens the door to same-sex couples. The original intention of legislation is to solve the social problems of these relatively marginal groups. The first chapter will start from the social background of the law, including the rise of feminism and its background during the 20th century. And the rise and activity of gay (gay) communities around the world. The second chapter will focus on the important provisions of the contract for example analysis. As with the implementation of all new legal provisions, all provisions of the contract are not static over the course of 12 years, but over time and experience. Some of the legal provisions have been amended to varying degrees, or even repealed. The third chapter will show the influence of cohabitation gender and the diversity of forms on the society from the perspective of positive and negative, and the negative effects. Family is the smallest unit of society. The stability and harmonious development of society can not be separated from family construction and development. This chapter focuses on how to think about the continuation and expansion space between the two sexes and same-sex partners under the premise of the harmonious development of the society.
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