[Abstract]:Wang Fuzhi's economic and legal thought is a scientific and theoretical system based on historical materialism and fused with his economic thought and legal thought in the oven. However, most of his works are philosophical works in his life, so the later generations pay more attention to his philosophical thought and seldom study his economic and legal thought systematically, which hinders people to a certain extent. We fully understand and make use of Wang Fuzhi's economic and legal thoughts.
Although Wang Fu-zhi has not written any special works on economic and legal issues, his exposition of economic and legal issues is scattered in many writings from middle age to old age, but his economic and legal thoughts are still rich in content and unique in insights. Especially in Reading General Enlightenment, Wang Fu-zhi is from the institutional level and operational level. Facing the economic and legal problems, the author makes a thorough and simple explanation, which makes his economic and legal thoughts have a more complete and centralized expression here. This is the reason why this paper is the focus of the study. One of Wang Fu-zhi's economic and legal thoughts has always paid attention to and followed the historical analysis method and the overall analysis method, which is also an important research method of this paper.
Through the study, we find that Wang Fuzhi's economic and legal thought is a comprehensive reflection of his theoretical achievements in many aspects. His economic and legal thought is outstanding because it is closely related to the social and historical conditions for the emergence and operation of the economic and legal system, and then it is concluded that the economic and legal system formulated by the ancients may not necessarily be suitable for the future generations. The main contents of his economic law include land law thought, tax law thought and forbidden law thought.
On the thought of land law, Wang Fu-zhi advocated that all land reform must be based on the recognition of private ownership of land, and that the free sale of land is a historical necessity. Based on this, he argued that the system of land equalization was not feasible under the county system and violated the law of historical evolution. The conditions needed, and this cautioned that posterity could not copy the land system of their predecessors directly.
In terms of tax law, Wang Fu-zhi advocated high oral taxes and opposed local taxes. He argued in detail that oral taxes were more reasonable from two aspects of law and practice. On the issue of tax amount, Wang Fuzhi made a practical investigation of the ancient "Eleventh and Tax" and found out the reasons for the huge difference between the theoretical tax and the actual tax. In the form of tax collection and management, Wang Fuzhi thinks that it is more convenient to collect money than to collect material objects. Regarding the time of tax collection, Wang Fuzhi thinks that whether early or late, it will do harm to the country and the people.
Wang Fu-zhi's thought of discussing salt underwent changes in favor of official transportation, official sale of salt, and later commercial transportation and marketing.
Wang Fuzhi's understanding of the traditional Chinese legal system is profound, and he follows the historical and holistic analysis method, so his economic legal thought has a distinct theoretical character of reality. But it is also because Wang Fuzhi has a profound understanding of the traditional legal system, so he is very vulnerable to the traditional shackles, so his economic legal thought. Of course, if Wang Fuzhi is inspected under specific historical conditions, it is not difficult to understand the limitations of his economic and legal thought.
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