[Abstract]:Whether the QQ and other virtual property can be recognized as a special intangible object depends on whether it has value and use value. Having the possibility of management and thus becoming the object of property ownership. QQ brings together technical and financial inputs, has value, use value and exchange value, and can satisfy the specific use of the owner and the registered user, It is the result of modern network communication technology which can be managed and controlled. It has the property attribute and should be the object of real right protection in civil law and the object of legal interest protection of larceny in criminal law. There is no coincidence between theft and infringement of freedom of communication by stealing QQ. However, after the entry into force of the Amendment to the Criminal Law (7), whoever, in violation of the State regulations, invades a computer information system and illegally acquires the data stored, processed or transmitted therein, if the circumstances are serious, No matter whether the data of the computer information system has the property attribute or not, whether or not it is a virtual property worthy of criminal law protection, it should no longer be punished as theft. It should be punished by illegal acquisition of computer information system data.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;
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