发布时间:2018-11-09 14:41
【摘要】:古斯塔夫.拉德布鲁赫是二十世纪德国著名的法哲学家和政治家,他的法哲学理论源自新康德主义哲学。在实然与应然的绝对对立的基础上,拉德布鲁赫加入涉及价值的文化这一概念,从而创造出一种三位一体的法哲学学说。二战之后,拉德布鲁赫针对纳粹的罪恶,修正了先前的思想,并提出了“拉德布鲁赫公式”。 学术界对拉德布鲁赫的思想一直存有争议,但不管怎样,拉德布鲁赫在实证主义法学和自然法学之外,找到了另一条道路。尤其在反思极权主义社会中法之非法的问题上,拉德布鲁赫的学说具有重要意义。对拉德布鲁赫思想的研究,有助于我们更好地理解法律的内涵,发现法律内部的必然存在的矛盾,从而为我们构建更合理的法律制度体系提供思路和教益。
[Abstract]:Gustav. Radbroch is a famous German philosopher and statesman of law in the 20th century. His theory of legal philosophy originates from Neo-Kantian philosophy. On the basis of the absolute opposition between reality and ought to be, Radbroch added the concept of value culture, thus creating a trinity of philosophy of law. After World War II, Radbroch revised his previous ideas against Nazi sins and put forward the Radbruch formula. There has always been controversy in academic circles about Radbroch's thought, but in any case, he has found another way in addition to positivism and natural law. Especially in reflecting on the illegality of law in totalitarian society, Radbroch's theory is of great significance. The study of Radbroch's thought is helpful for us to understand the connotation of law better, to find the inevitable contradiction within the law, and to provide us with ideas and lessons for the construction of a more reasonable legal system.
[Abstract]:Gustav. Radbroch is a famous German philosopher and statesman of law in the 20th century. His theory of legal philosophy originates from Neo-Kantian philosophy. On the basis of the absolute opposition between reality and ought to be, Radbroch added the concept of value culture, thus creating a trinity of philosophy of law. After World War II, Radbroch revised his previous ideas against Nazi sins and put forward the Radbruch formula. There has always been controversy in academic circles about Radbroch's thought, but in any case, he has found another way in addition to positivism and natural law. Especially in reflecting on the illegality of law in totalitarian society, Radbroch's theory is of great significance. The study of Radbroch's thought is helpful for us to understand the connotation of law better, to find the inevitable contradiction within the law, and to provide us with ideas and lessons for the construction of a more reasonable legal system.
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