[Abstract]:During my post-graduate study, I read Russell's History of Western philosophy, Locke's Theory of Government, Rousseau's Theory of Social contract, and so on. There is a systematic understanding of western liberal legal thought. As Rousseau points out in the Theory of Social contract, "Man is born free, but not in chains." The thought of liberalism law is the manifestation of liberalism trend of thought in law. The author hopes to interpret systematically the thought of Locke, the representative figure of liberalism law and the ancestor of liberalism law. This paper discusses the important role played by Locke in the development of liberal legal thought, and emphasizes its impelling effect on the development of contemporary legal thought in China. The process of the modernization of the world legal system is of historical diversity and stability. It is very useful to understand the schools of western legal thought, especially to grasp the evolution of the liberal legal thought. It is through the systematic introduction of Locke, the representative figure of the liberal legal thought, that the author outlines Locke's wisdom and clear outline of speculation, and then develops his vision, absorbs the essence, and promotes the process of the modernization of our country's legal system. The author intends to use comparative, inductive, deductive and other research methods, and tries to deduce the liberal jurisprudence from the process of liberalism, and further induces the legal thought of Locke, its founder, under the framework of liberal jurisprudence. Through the legal thought of Locke, the founder of the liberal-liberal legal thought, this logical structure is deduced step by step, highlighting Locke's background in the specific times. It also emphasizes its important historical position in the process of liberal legal thought. The main innovation lies in the use of inductive and deductive research methods to refine and systematize the legal thought in Locke's thought, and through a large amount of data to reveal its impact on the contemporary jurists in China. That is, the process of modernization of our legal system has a huge role in promoting.
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