[Abstract]:Natural law plays an important role in political law and even ethical thought. However, the origin of natural law and its nature at the source are still unclear. Rather, the idea of natural law was first put forward by the promenade, albeit with some connection to previous philosophy. The Corridor faction originally referred to the natural law by common law and thought that only the wise man could really obey the provisions and injunctions of the common law because he did not even lose to Zeus as legislator in reason. The equivalence of law and reason constitutes a core proposition of the school under the corridor. Later, Cicero developed a theory of natural law based on the view of the promenade and the background of Roman law, arguing that natural law was the ultimate standard of living for all individuals or nations. Through Cicero's works, the natural law of the Corridor had an important influence on the natural law of Christianity in the Middle Ages, but it should be noted that the former was not a set of codes but a series of moral principles. It is by these principles that natural law shapes the elegance of the political community.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学;
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