[Abstract]:How to deal with those released from prison can not only fully protect human rights, but also effectively prevent their recurrence, which is a thorny problem faced by the official and academic circles. The resettlement system of the remaining people in the pre-Qin Dynasty, as well as its consequences and ideas, can provide a mirror for the present. The punishment of the five emperors in Xia and Shang dynasties ended in political punishment, which was not under the control of ideology and concept, which made it possible for those who punished the rest to become gods. The Western Zhou regime strengthened the triple distinction between space, identity and morality, and created the "near but not pro" official resettlement system, but because of the moral decline of its ruling class and the collapse of ideology, Yu Xiaochen came to power, and even obtained the possibility of "sanctifying", which directly subverted the value system of Zongzhou. After Qin and Han dynasties, the criminal system changed, and the flow replaced corporal punishment and emphasized the interests of the country, but there were many "heroes" who could not help but punish the rest of the punishment. In contrast, the establishment of the system based on morality in Zhou Dynasty seems to be more in line with the needs of current moral governance, good governance and the symbiosis of the rule of law. How to make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, the use of ancient times for the present, has yet to be elaborated.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;清华大学;
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