[Abstract]:In today's society, the administrative act of the government involves all aspects of the life of the people, and its role is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, the participation of the public in the administrative procedure is particularly important. However, there is no administrative procedure law in our country to protect the right of the public to participate in the administrative procedure. However, our neighboring South Korea has a more perfect administrative procedure law, but also in the administrative procedure of public participation has its own unique and can be used for reference. In the past, we attached importance to the guarantee of administrative efficiency and flexibility, and considered that the procedural regulation of administration has an impact on the efficient operation of administration, but now the substantive legal countries with the concept of the protection of basic rights can ensure the fairness and appropriateness of administration in order to concretely embody the doctrine of the rule of law. Therefore, in order to relieve the infringement of national rights and interests, the ex post facto administrative relief system (administrative trial, administrative litigation, etc.) is inevitable, and it is practical to adopt the democratic regulation of administrative national participation and the necessity of administrative procedure regulation as a prior procedure in the stage before the initiation of administrative power. The administrative procedure system is an administrative decision which has a great influence on the rights and obligations of the people. The interested parties are allowed to participate in putting forward their own opinions, and the administrative department is asked to prompt the full and reasonable basis of the administrative decision, so as to rationalize the administrative process, protect the rights and interests of the people and the democratization of the administration. Today's administration should be reviewed from the point of view of public participation, which is different from the dominant protection of national rights and interests in accordance with fair prior administrative procedures. The legal requirement of national participation is more positive than the appropriate legal procedure to reflect the national intention more concretely to ensure the democratic rule of administration and the trust of administration. The administrative process begins with the proposal of the policy. Who will participate in the process of the policy proposal? at this time, the problem of the political order is not directly related to the problem before the legal order, but it is necessary for the administrative legal process to realize the direct and dynamic participation of the people in the administrative process. That is to say, when there is a legal basis, the administrative power is not unilateral and arbitrary, and the existence of the fact that there is an objective administrative power has been proved in order to identify the specific exercise of the administrative power. This is the characteristic of modern administration. Such a legal principle of public participation counteracts the dissatisfaction of the masses with the traditional official standard thought and provides administrative control means, which can be regarded as an important procedure of democratic administration. In the first chapter, the purpose, method and scope of the study are put forward in the introduction. The second chapter examines the general theory of administrative procedure and the evolution of Korean administrative procedure law and the content of current administrative law. The third chapter examines the concept of public participation and the provisions of administrative procedure law and other decrees on public participation system. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of the present situation of public participation system in the administrative procedure law of our country and the enlightenment of South Korea to our country. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, sorting out the contents mentioned before, for the fair and transparent administrative operation, and pointing out the direction to ensure the protection of public rights and interests and administrative efficiency.
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