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dispute settlement body 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-10-31 14:45









dispute settlement body 的翻译结果

dispute settlement body

  • 争端解决机构(26)
  • 争端解决机制(17)

         But on the other hand, in practice, GATT/WTO dispute settlement body sets strict limitations on the members when they are exercising such a right.



         On the Power of Legal Interpretation of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body



         In China,we can only adopt the legislationtransforming way in complying with and implementation of WTO agreements and cannot apply the agreements in our law-enforcing and judicial practice or even accord them priority,in the perspective of either the relations between international law and domestic law or the validity status of international treaties in China's domestic laws,according to either the nature and requirements of WTO agreements or the practice of the main WTO member countries and the position of Dispute Settlement Body.



         The dispute settlement body plays important role in this mechanism.



         This paper examines international agricultural trade disputes through Dispute Settlement Body of WTO since WTO came into existence and a logistic regression is explored to find out the eventual factors which determine the disputes.





         Economic Analysis on the Mechanism of GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Body



         Deficiencies and Problems of the Mechanism of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body



         WTO and its trade dispute settlement body, have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world.



         Discrepancy and Reconciliation: An Analysis on the Applicable Law for the WTO Dispute Settlement Body



         Evaluation of the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO and Responsive Measures





         With respect to GATT 1947, it appears that even if Section 337 is consistent with the Article 3 national treatment provision, it may not meet the stringent standards of Article 20, as developed through WTO Dispute Settlement Body practice.

         就337条款与GATT 1947之间的关系而言,我们可以看出,即使337条款能够符合GATT第3条国民待遇原则,它也不会符合第20条严格的标准。


         On the Discretion of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body



         GATT/WTO dispute settlement body doesn't uphold the position to take PPMs standard as one standard in defining"like product".



         The second part is the longest, telling the divarication in the Dispute Settlement Body of WTO.



         The article analyzes the relevant clauses and solutions thereto in the Dispute Settlement Body,and puts forward some positive responsive strategies upon China's accession to the WTO.




    查询“dispute settlement body”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      dispute settlement body

    Among WTO members, the findings of a dispute settlement body would presumably differ depending on the status of the target under the Kyoto Protocol.


    It is analogous to the standard of proof imposed by US administrative law, and is also consistent with the position of the European Union and the holdings of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body in the beef hormones case.


    Furthermore, Member States have the duty to inform and consult the Community institutions prior of bringing a case before another dispute settlement body.


    Accordingly, EU Member States involved in a dispute that potentially raises issues of Community law are not allowed to bring the case before a dispute settlement body other than the ECJ.


    We ask that you circulate this notification to the relevant Councils and Committees, as well as to the Dispute Settlement Body.



    Judicial review has been generally adopted by modern law governed countries. After China's accession into the WTO, other member governments may resort to the dispute settlement body of the WTO for a settlement if the Chinese court fails to enforce the power of judicial review fairly and independently. The WTO agreements such as "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994", "Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994" (about dumping), "General Agreement...

    Judicial review has been generally adopted by modern law governed countries. After China's accession into the WTO, other member governments may resort to the dispute settlement body of the WTO for a settlement if the Chinese court fails to enforce the power of judicial review fairly and independently. The WTO agreements such as "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994", "Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994" (about dumping), "General Agreement on Trade in Services", and "Trade related Agreenent on Intellectual Property Rights" have formulated definite provisions regarding judicial review. "Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China" also provides regulations about judicial review. Still, the laws of the People's Republic of China such as Administrative Procedure Law, Regulations on Administrative Reconsideration, Patent Law (Amended), and Trademark Law (Amended) have rules concerning judicial review. The differences mainly exist in the scope of application, the protection of the plaintiff, the rights of parties concerned, and the extension and the procedure of the review itself. Therefore, after the accession, one of the challenges China will probably face is how to implement judicial review in line with China's national conditions as well as WTO rules.

    司法审查是现代法治国家所普遍采用的一项法律制度。入世后 ,如果法院不能真正独立公正地行使司法审查权 ,其他成员可据此寻求世贸组织争端解决机制予以裁决。世贸协议如《关税与贸易总协定 1994》、《反倾销协议》、《服务贸易总协定》、《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》等都对司法审查作明确规定 ;中国加入世贸组织法律文件对司法审查也作了规定。中国《行政诉讼法》、《行政复议法》、《专利法》(修改 )、《商标法》(修改 )也都有规定 ,但与世贸法律规则相比 ,差别很大。主要在可诉权范围不一、原告诉权保护范围不一、当事人权利范围不一、司法审查范围广度不一、司法审查程序不一。如何使司法审查符合我国国情 ,又与世贸法律规则相吻合 ,是我国入世后面临的法律难题之一

    The environmental clauses are restrictive ones written in regard to free trade for purposes of environnmental protection. They are stipulated in a number of agreements with in the WTO legal system, having an influence on the theories and practices in this connection. The article analyzes the relevant clauses and solutions thereto in the Dispute Settlement Body,and puts forward some positive responsive strategies upon China's accession to the WTO.


    The paper mainly expounds the panels of experts under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. From the point of common connections, the whole dispute settlement body is analyzed and studied. In the exposition, the paper emphatically probes into the emergence and development, procedures, the positive significance of settlement pattern, the problems of further development of panels of experts and its significance to China.

    以WTO争端解决机制下的专家组为核心展开论述 ,并从普遍联系的角度出发 ,在一定层面上对整个争端解决机制进行分析、研究。其中 ,着重就专家组的产生和发展、有关程序、其断案模式的积极意义、其进一步发展所面临的问题及其对我国的意义等几方面内容进行了探讨。


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