本文选题:司法鉴定 + 司法鉴定中立性 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:在现代社会,刑事司法鉴定实现中立性是诉讼活动实现民主、科学、公正、文明的客观需要,是确保鉴定结论客观真实、可靠、合法的重要手段。刑事司法鉴定的中立性主要体现在司法鉴定机构、鉴定人和鉴定程序的启动这三个方面,要求鉴定机构和鉴定人实现中立,鉴定程序的启动要实现中立性。 我国现行的司法鉴定在制度和理念上都严重滞后于社会主义法制建设的步伐和诉讼制度改革的进程。在司法鉴定理念上,鉴定人员缺乏中立性的价值观念,不能自觉地保持自身的中立立场;鉴定机构和鉴定人的管理混乱,行政管理色彩浓厚,缺乏统一的法律规范和科学标准,而且专业化程度不高,导致诉讼中多头鉴定、重复鉴定、人情鉴定、久鉴不定的现象普遍发生;鉴定程序的启动采取的是职权主义模式,司法鉴定的启动权和决定权完全掌控在侦查机关、检察机关和审判机关手中,当事人仅有有限的补充鉴定和重新鉴定的申请权,这与现代的对抗式庭审的精神根本不相符。 因此,为了完善我国的刑事司法鉴定,实现司法鉴定的中立性,要借鉴英美法系和大陆法系司法鉴定有益经验,同时又结合我国的传统。主要从这些方面着手:司法鉴定机构在管理和地位上实现中立性、对鉴定人实施鉴定活动进行规范和监督使其实现中立性,并且完善和落实鉴定人回避制度,要赋予控辩双方平等的鉴定申请权,如果对初次鉴定形成了合理质疑,要启动重新鉴定时,对重新鉴定的裁量标准要统一规范。
[Abstract]:In modern society , the realization of the neutrality of criminal judicial appraisal is the objective requirement of democracy , science , justice and civilization . It is an important means to ensure the objective , realistic , reliable and lawful appraisal conclusion . The neutrality of criminal judicial appraisal is mainly embodied in the three aspects of judicial appraisal institution , expert witness and appraisal procedure .
The current judicial appraisal in our country lags behind the pace of the socialist legal system construction and the process of the reform of the litigation system . In the concept of judicial appraisal , the appraisal personnel lack the neutral value idea , can not consciously maintain its neutrality position , the appraisal institution and the expert ' s management confusion , the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards , and the lack of uniform legal norms and scientific standards .
Therefore , in order to perfect our country ' s criminal judicial appraisal , to realize the neutrality of judicial appraisal , we should draw on the beneficial experience of the judicial appraisal of Anglo - American law system and civil law system , and combine with the tradition of our country .
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