[Abstract]:Objective to study the morphological changes and gene expression of (Chrysomya megacephala) eggs in Drosophila macrocephala. Methods the eggs were taken out from adults of Drosophila macrocephala at 0 h and 10 eggs were taken out every 2 hours until the larvae hatched. The morphological changes of the eggs at different developmental times were observed by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The relative expression levels of bicoid,slalom and chitin synthase (chitin synthase) gene were determined by RT-PCR comparative circulation threshold (threshold cycle,CT) method. The CT value and time were fitted by SPSS19.0 software, and the linear equation, the equal-ratio series curve equation and the exponential equation were analyzed. Results under stereoscopic microscope, the morphological changes were not obvious at 0h, 6h, 8h, and 9h, respectively. Under scanning electron microscope, the changes were not obvious at 0h postpartum, the one end of egg foramina was slightly protruded out, and the circumference of egg foramen was smooth. After 6 h, one end of egg foramen was concave inward, irregular protuberance formed around egg foramen, and obvious depression was observed at 8 h. The larva has developed into larva in 9 h. The relative expression level of three genes (bicoid,slalom and chitin synthase) in the egg of Drosophila macrocephala changed regularly with time, and the CT values of the three genes in the regression equation were significantly different (P0.05). Conclusion the morphological structure of Drosophila macrocephala eggs changed with time under stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscope. The expression levels of bicoid,slalom and chitin synthase genes in Drosophila macrocephala eggs at different developmental times were different.
【作者单位】: 贵州省贵阳医学院法医学系/法医司法鉴定中心;贵州省安顺市公安局刑侦支队;
【基金】:2013年贵州省高校工程技术研究中心项目(黔科合KY字[2013]114号) 2012年贵州省教育厅产学研基地项目(黔教合KY字[2012]031号) 贵州省卫生厅科学技术基金项目(WT2013-1) 贵阳医学院院基金项目(院基金合同字第021号)~~
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